Places starting with: 'S'

  1. Spartan Acropolis (aka: The Citadel)
  2. Adriatic Sea (aka: Adriaticum, Superum Mare)
  3. Spartan Agora
  4. Corcyra (aka: Land of the Phaeacians, Scheria)
  5. Dardania (aka: Samothrace)
  6. Exampaeus (aka: Sacred Ways)The region between the Hypanis and Borysthenes. It is called the ’Sacred Ways’ by the Greeks.
  7. Hyde (aka: Sardis) A district near Mount Tmolos.
  8. Spring of Messeis
  9. Settlement of the Borystheneïtae (aka: Miletopolis, Olbiopolis, Olbia) A settlement of the Borystheneïtae. Not the same as the Olbia in Sardinia.
  10. Pactolus (aka: Spring of Midas)
  11. Pillars of Herakles (aka: Straight of Gibraltar)
  12. Spartan Royal Graves
  13. Salamis
  14. Salmydessus (aka: Salmydessos)
  15. Samethere
  16. Samos
  17. Samothrace
  18. Sanctuary of Dictynna
  19. Sanctuary of Maron and Alpheius
  20. Sanctuary of Zeus Fair Wind
  21. Sanctuary of Zeus at Messene
  22. Sanctuary of Asclepius (aka: Place of the Agiadae)
  23. Sanctuary of Poseidon Hippocurius
  24. Sanctuary of Artemis Issoria
  25. Sanctuary of Agnitas
  26. Sanctuary of Heracles
  27. Sanctuary of Athena Axiopoinos
  28. Sanctuary of Athena
  29. Sanctuary of Sarapis
  30. Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus
  31. Sanctuary of Helen
  32. Sanctuary of Heracles
  33. Sanctuary of Poseidon God of Kin
  34. Sanctuary of Morpho
  35. Sanctuary of Hilaeria and of Phoebe
  36. Sanctuary of Lycurgus
  37. Sanctuary of Eileithyia
  38. Sanctuary of Athena (aka: Lady of the Bronze House)
  39. Sanctuary of the Muses
  40. Sanctuary of the Ammon
  41. Sanctuary of the Artemis
  42. Sanctuary of the Graces
  43. Sardinia
  44. Sardinian Sea
  45. Sardes
  46. Sarmatia
  47. Saronic Gulf (aka: Saronic Sea, Gulf of Aegina)
  48. Satnioesis River
  49. Satyrides
  50. Scaean Gate
  51. Scamander (aka: Skamandros) A river and a god.
  52. Scambonidae
  53. Scandia (aka: Scandea) A small port town on the island of Cythera.
  54. Scarphe
  55. Schoinos
  56. Scias (aka: The Canopy) Building at the beginning of a road leading south from the Agora
  57. Scironian Cliffs
  58. Scironian Rocks
  59. Scirum
  60. Scylla
  61. Scyros (aka: Skyros)
  62. Scythia
  63. Sea
  64. Selinus A settlement and river in Eleia.
  65. Selinus A city in Sicily.
  66. Stenyclerus
  67. Stratonicea (aka: Chrysaoris)Name used to refer to a grouping of Hellenistic cities.
  68. Sesamus
  69. Seriphus An island of the western Cyclades
  70. Seria An island neighbouring the islands of Abasa and Sacaea. Home of the Seres.
  71. Seleucia (aka: Seleucea, Seleucia-on-Tigris) Capital of Seleucid Empire
  72. Sellasia
  73. Sestos
  74. Sicily (aka: Sicilia, Trinacria)
  75. Sicilian Sea
  76. Sicyon (aka: Sicyonia, Demetrias, Aigialeia, Mekora)
  77. Side
  78. Sidon
  79. Sigeum
  80. Simoeis
  81. Sindi The land of the Sindi.
  82. Sinope
  83. Sipylus
  84. Skolos
  85. Sky
  86. Sminthe (aka: Sminthos, Smintheion)
  87. Smithy of Hephaestus
  88. Smyrna
  89. Soli (aka: Pompeiopolis, Soloi)
  90. Solois A promontory past the pillars of Heracles.
  91. Sounion (aka: Sunium) A Cape or Promontory South of Athens
  92. Sparta (aka: Lacedaemon)
  93. Sperchius River (aka: Spercheios River)
  94. Springs of Achelous
  95. Springs of the Amymone
  96. Spring of Amphiaraus
  97. Stratie
  98. Strymon
  99. Stymphalian Lake
  100. Stymphalus (aka: Stymphelus)
  101. Styra
  102. Styx A river in Hades.
  103. Sunium
  104. Susa
  105. Sphacteria An island where the Athenians trapped and defeated the Spartans in 425 BCE
  106. Syme
  107. Syene
  108. Syria These coordinates are distinctly Syria circa 303 BC.
  109. Syracuse (aka: Syracusae, Syrakousai) A prominent city-state in Sicily
  110. Syrgis (aka: Hyrgis, Donets)
  111. Syrtis (aka: Syrtis Maior, Gulf of Sidra) A gulf of Libya.
  112. Scenoma
  113. Sythas River that divides the ancient border between Archea and Sicyonia
  114. Statue of Hetoemocles Statue of Olympian wrestler Hetoemocles.
  115. Statue of Heracles
  116. Statue of Zeus Hypatos (Most High)
  117. Statues of Pausanias
  118. Statue of Aphrodite Ambologera
  119. Statues of Sleep and Death
  120. Strophades Islands (aka: Echinadian Islands, Echinean Islands)
  121. Thurii (aka: Sybaris)
  122. Tiberias (aka: Sea of Galilee) A lake in Galilee.
  123. Tritonian Lake (aka: Salinarum Lake) A Lake in Libya.
  124. Spartan City Wall
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