Places mentioned in: Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 3, Laconia

  1. Laconia
  2. Sparta
  3. Amyclae
  4. Argos
  5. Pellana
  6. Messenia Region in southwest Peloponnese
  7. Thalamae
  8. Hermione The town Pausanias visits; the old city is referred to as Hermion.
  9. Messene
  10. Delphi
  11. Peloponnese
  12. Thera
  13. Aegialus
  14. Patrae
  15. Ionia
  16. Mysia
  17. Aeolis A region on West coast of Asia Minor
  18. Lesbos
  19. Argolis Region in northeastern Peloponnese
  20. Knossos
  21. Pharis
  22. Crete
  23. Helos
  24. Crotone
  25. Italy
  26. Locris
  27. Greece
  28. Tegea
  29. Scyros
  30. Athens
  31. Phaselis
  32. Eleusis
  33. Aegina An Island
  34. Elaeus
  35. Thermopylae
  36. Marathon
  37. Trachis
  38. Mount Oeta
  39. Plataea
  40. Hellespont
  41. Cos
  42. Attica
  43. Peiraeus
  44. Thebes
  45. Phocis
  46. Boeotia
  47. Haliartus
  48. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  49. Sphacteria An island where the Athenians trapped and defeated the Spartans in 425 BCE
  50. Corinth
  51. Olynthus
  52. Chalcidice Part of Macedonia in Northern Greece.
  53. Leuctra
  54. Delium
  55. Thessaly
  56. Macedonia
  57. Sicyon
  58. Egypt
  59. Persia
  60. Asia
  61. Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
  62. Olympia
  63. Aepy
  64. Alpheus River
  65. Decelea
  66. Aegospotami
  67. Heraclea
  68. Isthmus
  69. Aulis
  70. Troy
  71. Sardes
  72. Lydia
  73. Susa
  74. Amphissa
  75. Abydos
  76. Sestos
  77. Thrace
  78. Coronea
  79. Aetolia A Region
  80. Hermae A region in the South-East Peleponnese full of oak trees
  81. Caryae
  82. Sellasia
  83. Thornax A mountain between Sellasia and Sparta.
  84. Halicarnassus
  85. Salamis
  86. Spartan Agora
  87. Cyprus
  88. Andros
  89. Dipaia A Peleponnessian town
  90. Ithome
  91. Tanagra
  92. Booneta
  93. Aphetae
  94. India
  95. Aphetaid Road
  96. Taenarum A Peninsula located at modern-day Cape Matapan, believed to hold access to the Underworld.
  97. Tarentum Greek colony in Southern Italy
  98. Europe
  99. Hellenium
  100. Aegium
  101. Sanctuary of Dictynna
  102. Spartan Royal Graves
  103. Ephesus
  104. Temple of Artemis at Sparta
  105. Sanctuary of Maron and Alpheius
  106. Scias Building at the beginning of a road leading south from the Agora
  107. Miletus
  108. Altar of Zeus and Athena Counsellor
  109. Sanctuary of Zeus Fair Wind
  110. Hero-shrine of Pleuron Shrine to Pleuron, located in the south end of Sparta.
  111. Pleuron
  112. Temple of Argive Hera
  113. Statue of Hetoemocles Statue of Olympian wrestler Hetoemocles.
  114. Cenotaph of Brasidas
  115. The Spartan Theater
  116. Tomb of Pausanias
  117. Tomb of Leonidas
  118. The Themelida
  119. Graves of the Agiad Kings
  120. Lounge of the Crotani
  121. Sanctuary of Asclepius
  122. Tomb of Taenarus
  123. Sanctuary of Poseidon Hippocurius
  124. Sanctuary of Artemis Issoria
  125. Cyrene
  126. Sanctuary of Sarapis
  127. Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus
  128. The Running Course
  129. Statue of Heracles
  130. Sanctuary of Agnitas
  131. Platanistas
  132. Pheobaeum
  133. Therapne
  134. Colophon
  135. Hero-shrine of Cynisca
  136. Hero-shrine of Alcmius and Enaraephorus
  137. Hero-shrine of Dorceus
  138. Hero-shrine of Sebrus
  139. Tomb of Alkman
  140. Sanctuary of Helen
  141. Sanctuary of Heracles
  142. Sanctuary of Heracles
  143. Sanctuary of Athena Axiopoinos
  144. Sanctuary of Athena
  145. Temple of Hipposthenes
  146. Hero-shrine of Cadmus
  147. Hero-shrine of Oeolycus
  148. Sanctuary of Poseidon God of Kin
  149. Hero-shrine of Cleodaeus
  150. Hero-shrine of Oebalus
  151. Hero-shrine of Teleclus
  152. Sanctuary of Morpho
  153. Sanctuary of Hilaeria and of Phoebe
  154. Tunic
  155. Tyndareus House A home said to have been occupied by the sons of Tyndareus and later acquired by Phormion, the Spartan.
  156. Hero-shrine of Cheilon
  157. Sicily
  158. Sanctuary of Lycurgus
  159. Tomb of Eucomus
  160. Grave of Lathria and Anaxandra
  161. Tomb of Theopompus
  162. Tomb of Eurybiades
  163. Artemisium A cape town in Northern Euboea.
  164. Hero-shrine of Astrabacus
  165. Limnaeum
  166. Land of the Taurians A peninsula on the Black Sea.
  167. Brauron
  168. Black Sea
  169. Pitane
  170. Sanctuary of Eileithyia
  171. Cadmea
  172. Larissa Prominent city in Thessaly
  173. Spartan Acropolis
  174. Sanctuary of Athena
  175. Aphidnae
  176. Libya
  177. Temple of Athena
  178. Temple of Zeus Orderer
  179. Tomb of Tyndareus
  180. Sanctuary of the Muses
  181. Temple of Aphrodite Warlike
  182. Rhegium
  183. Scenoma
  184. Byzantium An ancient Greek colony located in modern day Istanbul.
  185. Phialia Located in south west Arcadia
  186. Statues of Pausanias
  187. Statue of Aphrodite Ambologera
  188. Statues of Sleep and Death
  189. Alpion
  190. Temple of Athena Ophthalmitis
  191. Sanctuary of the Ammon
  192. Aphytis
  193. Pallene
  194. Sanctuary of the Artemis
  195. River Tiasa
  196. Sanctuary of the Graces
  197. Paros
  198. Magnesia
  199. Lycia
  200. River Achelous
  201. Colchis
  202. Rhodes
  203. Himera Located on the north coast of Sicily
  204. Bryseae
  205. Hellas
  206. Pergamum
  207. Ithaca
  208. Achaia
  209. Gythium
  210. Augeae Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
  211. Teuthrone
  212. Pyrrhichus
  213. Oetylus
  214. Gerenia
  215. Acriae
  216. Boeae
  217. Prasies
  218. Selinus A settlement and river in Eleia.
  219. Hyperteleatum According to Pausanius, Hyperteleatum is a Sanctuary located fifty stades from Asopus.
  220. Aphrodisias
  221. Cytheria
  222. Malea
  223. Nymphaeum A harbour near Malea.
  224. Delos
  225. Epidaurus
  226. Mount Etna
  227. Epidauros Limera
  228. Minoa A Minoan trading post now known as Monemvasia.
  229. Minoa An island in the Aegean Sea.
  230. Zarax
  231. Thermodon
  232. Naia A spring located in Teuthrone, Lakonia, Greece. The spring is believed to invoke a water nymph, commonly known as a Naid.
  233. Psamathus
  234. Hippola Located in Laconia
  235. Messa Located in Laconia
  236. Pylos
  237. Alagonia
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