Places mentioned in: Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 10, Phocis & Ozolian Locri

  1. Phocis
  2. Tithorea
  3. Delphi
  4. Peloponnese
  5. Boeotia
  6. Cirrha
  7. Elateia Ancient Greek city located in Phocis.
  8. Opus
  9. Cynus
  10. Hyampolis
  11. Greece
  12. Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
  13. Europe
  14. Plataea
  15. Athens
  16. Sparta
  17. Thebes
  18. Cyrene
  19. Crete
  20. Cydonia The site of Kydonia is located in modern day Chania, on the island of Crete.
  21. Lilaea
  22. Daulis
  23. Charadra
  24. Trachis
  25. Medeon
  26. Lamia
  27. Orchomenus
  28. Parnassus
  29. Mount Pentelicus Mountain in Attica famous for its Honey-Brown Marble
  30. Magnesia
  31. Cadiz Founded by the Phoenicians. Located in Spain.
  32. Anthedon
  33. Cithaeron
  34. Corinth
  35. Isthmus
  36. Troezen
  37. Tempe
  38. Crotone
  39. Corycian
  40. Euboea
  41. Argos
  42. Olympia
  43. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  44. Sicyon
  45. Tegea
  46. Phlius
  47. Heraclea
  48. Larissa Prominent city in Thessaly
  49. Egypt
  50. River Ladon
  51. Attica
  52. Locris
  53. Actium
  54. Nicopolus Founded by Caesar Augustus
  55. Macedonia
  56. Thessaly
  57. Doris
  58. Phocaea
  59. Ionia
  60. River Achelous
  61. Aegina An Island
  62. Corcyra
  63. Apollonia A town in the vicinity of Thrace.
  64. Aegospotami
  65. Chios
  66. Rhodes
  67. Knidos An ancient Greek city of Caria
  68. Ephesus
  69. Miletus
  70. Samos
  71. Eretria
  72. Dion
  73. Epidaurus
  74. Argolis Region in northeastern Peloponnese
  75. Pellene
  76. Hermion
  77. Megara
  78. Troy
  79. Marathon
  80. Oenoe
  81. Messene
  82. Tarentum Greek colony in Southern Italy
  83. Italy
  84. Lipara An island north of Sicily.
  85. Sicily
  86. Leuctra
  87. Cleonae
  88. Thrace
  89. Achaia
  90. Ambracia
  91. Neritum
  92. Asia
  93. Alexandria
  94. Troad
  95. Colophon
  96. Delos
  97. Cumae Ancient city on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea.
  98. Palestine
  99. Dodona
  100. Cyprus
  101. Pharsalus
  102. Libya
  103. Lydia
  104. Tiryns
  105. Tenedos
  106. Artemisium A cape town in Northern Euboea.
  107. Salamis
  108. Nisaea Port of Megara
  109. Hellespont
  110. Thera
  111. Hermione The town Pausanias visits; the old city is referred to as Hermion.
  112. Elyrus
  113. Tarrha
  114. Sardinia
  115. Camicus
  116. Nora An ancient Roman city on the Sardinian peninsula.
  117. Olbia
  118. Corsica
  119. Cagliari Located in Sardinia.
  120. Aetolia A Region
  121. Lindos
  122. Orneae
  123. Pergamum
  124. Mount Pelion
  125. Methymna A town in Lesbos.
  126. Thermopylae
  127. Mantinea
  128. Mycenae
  129. Thespiae
  130. Mount Oeta
  131. Phthiotis
  132. Patrae
  133. Amphissa
  134. Aegium
  135. Priene An ancient Ionian city, located on the coast of Turkey.
  136. Lesbos
  137. Mitylene Capital of Lesbos
  138. Sounion A Cape or Promontory South of Athens
  139. Pyrrha
  140. Aulis
  141. Himera Located on the north coast of Sicily
  142. Lycia
  143. Acheron A lower river of Hades.
  144. Thasos
  145. Paros
  146. Catana A city in Sicily where a famous battle took place in 397 BC
  147. Mount Etna
  148. Syracuse A prominent city-state in Sicily
  149. Delium
  150. Mysia
  151. Mylasa
  152. India
  153. Euphrates River
  154. Zeugma
  155. Ethiopia
  156. Susa
  157. Persia
  158. Eleusis
  159. Laodiceia
  160. Maeander
  161. Phoenicia
  162. Nile
  163. Coptus An ancient settlement erected along the Nile river, Egypt.
  164. Istria The largest peninsula in the Adriatic sea
  165. Rome
  166. Pontus
  167. Haliartus
  168. Phalerum Known as the Bay of Phalerum. Modern Cities surrounding are Moschato, Palaio Faliro, Neo Faliro, and Kallithea.
  169. Phrygia
  170. Cyparissus
  171. Thisbe
  172. Crisa
  173. Evenus Once known as Lycormas. Renamed when Evenus threw himself in to the river.
  174. Myonia A city of Locris.
  175. Naupactus
  176. Ithome
  177. Messenia Region in southwest Peloponnese
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