Places mentioned in: Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Book 3

  1. Phoenicia
  2. Crete
  3. Pyramus
  4. Cilicia
  5. Thrace
  6. Thasos
  7. Caria
  8. Miletus
  9. Lycia
  10. Boeotia
  11. Hades Abode of the dead. Though Acheron may be used as a synonym, it also exists separately as a river within Hades.
  12. Athens
  13. Rhodes
  14. Atabyrium A Mountain in Rhodes
  15. Argos
  16. Delphi
  17. Phocis
  18. Thebes
  19. Cadmea
  20. Nysa
  21. Asia
  22. Cithaeron
  23. Egypt
  24. Syria These coordinates are distinctly Syria circa 303 BC.
  25. Cybela
  26. Phrygia
  27. Strymon
  28. Mount Panga
  29. India
  30. Icaria
  31. Naxos
  32. Elysian Fields
  33. Euboea
  34. Hyria
  35. Sicyon
  36. Eleurethae
  37. Dirce Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
  38. Peloponnese
  39. Sipylus
  40. Corinth
  41. Plataea
  42. Mount Phicium
  43. Colonus
  44. Attica
  45. Calydon
  46. Nemea
  47. Homoloidian Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  48. Ogygian Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  49. Proetidian Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  50. Oncaidian Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  51. Hypsistan Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  52. Electran Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  53. Crenidian Gate One of the seven gates of Thebes.
  54. Cyllene
  55. Ismenus
  56. Tilphussa
  57. Hestiaea
  58. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  59. Psophis
  60. Springs of Achelous
  61. River Achelous
  62. Tegea
  63. Epirus
  64. Acarnania Undefinable Political Region in the Southwest of Mainland Greece
  65. Amphilochia
  66. Trapezus
  67. Mysia
  68. Mount Parthenius
  69. Islands of the Blest
  70. Pieria
  71. Pylos
  72. Sparta
  73. Thessaly
  74. Tartarus An abyss beneath Hades used as a dungeon of torment and suffering.
  75. Pherai
  76. Aphidnae
  77. Greece
  78. Messene
  79. Samothrace
  80. Dardanus
  81. Dardania
  82. Troy
  83. Hill of the Phrygian Ate
  84. Ethiopia
  85. Ida A mountain in Turkey.
  86. Aegina An Island
  87. Salamis
  88. Phthia
  89. Iolcus
  90. Mount Pelion
  91. Opus
  92. Cecropia
  93. Erectheis A temple on the Acropolis
  94. Thriasian Plain
  95. Areopagus A Hill in Athens used for trials
  96. Celenderis
  97. Cyprus
  98. Paphos
  99. Assyria
  100. Eleusis
  101. Daulis
  102. Ilissus River running through Athens
  103. Tenos
  104. Megara
  105. Troezen
  106. Paros
  107. Onchestus
  108. Epidaurus
  109. Isthmus
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