Places mentioned in: Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Book 2

  1. Argos
  2. Inachus River
  3. Aegialia
  4. Peloponnese
  5. Apia
  6. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  7. Ionian Sea
  8. Illyria
  9. Mount Haemus
  10. Bosphorus
  11. Scythia
  12. Cimmerian Land
  13. Europe
  14. Asia
  15. Egypt
  16. Nile
  17. Syria These coordinates are distinctly Syria circa 303 BC.
  18. Byblus
  19. Memphis
  20. Libya
  21. Phoenicia
  22. Arabia A province yet to be defined
  23. Rhodes
  24. Lerna
  25. Lycia
  26. Tiryns
  27. Argolis Region in northeastern Peloponnese
  28. Sicyon
  29. Seriphus An island of the western Cyclades
  30. Ethiopia
  31. Pelasgia May be an earlier toponym of Epirus, Greece, Arcadia, Peloponnese, or Larissa
  32. Larissa Prominent city in Thessaly
  33. Midea
  34. Mycenae
  35. Greece
  36. Persia
  37. Strophades Islands
  38. Taphos
  39. Thebes
  40. Cadmea
  41. Athens
  42. Crete
  43. Thoricus
  44. Attica
  45. Phocis
  46. Helos
  47. Cithaeron
  48. Thespiae
  49. Onchestus
  50. Orchomenus
  51. Ocalea
  52. Boeotia
  53. Nemea
  54. Delphi
  55. Cleonae
  56. Springs of the Amymone
  57. Elaeus
  58. Oenoe
  59. Artemisius Bibliotheca Classica lists Mount Artemisius as rising above the Arcadian city of Mantineia, on the borders of Argolis.
  60. River Ladon
  61. Psophis
  62. Erymanthus
  63. Pholoe
  64. Malea
  65. Mount Pelion
  66. Evenus Once known as Lycormas. Renamed when Evenus threw himself in to the river.
  67. Eleusis
  68. Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
  69. Alpheus River
  70. Peneus A river in the Peloponnese region, as distinct from the Peneus river in Thessaly. Unlike the river in Thessaly, which was likely named for the river god Peneus, this river does not seem to share the association.
  71. Dulichium
  72. Olenus
  73. Stymphalus
  74. Stymphalian Lake
  75. Sparta
  76. Isthmus
  77. Marathon
  78. Opus
  79. Locris
  80. Abdera
  81. Mount Olympus
  82. Thermodon
  83. Paros
  84. Mysia
  85. Heraea
  86. Themiscyra
  87. Troy
  88. Pergamum
  89. Aenus A settlement located in Thrace.
  90. Thasos
  91. Torone
  92. Erythia
  93. Tartessus
  94. Mount Abas Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
  95. Anthemus
  96. Abderia
  97. Liguria
  98. Tyrrhenia
  99. Rhegium
  100. Sicily
  101. Italy
  102. Plain of Eryx
  103. Thrace
  104. Hellespont
  105. Strymon
  106. Echedorus
  107. Eridanus River
  108. Cyprus
  109. Thermydrae
  110. Mount Caucasus
  111. Hyperborea The perfect land far in the north. Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
  112. Hades Abode of the dead. Though Acheron may be used as a synonym, it also exists separately as a river within Hades.
  113. Taenarum A Peninsula located at modern-day Cape Matapan, believed to hold access to the Underworld.
  114. Laconia
  115. Troezen
  116. Oechalia
  117. Euboea
  118. Pherai
  119. Amyclae
  120. Lydia
  121. Ephesus
  122. Aulis
  123. Icaria
  124. Pisa
  125. Colchis
  126. Cos
  127. Phlegra
  128. Pylos
  129. Tegea
  130. Mount Parthenius
  131. Teuthrania
  132. Calydon
  133. Ephyra
  134. Sardinia
  135. Trachis
  136. Land of the Dryopes
  137. Itonus
  138. Ormenium
  139. Cenaeum
  140. Mount Oeta
  141. Scironian Cliffs
  142. Naupactus
  143. Aetolia A Region
  144. Messene
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