People mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 18, Armour of Achilles
- Antilochus
- Achilles
- Thetis
- Patroclus
- Hector
- Nereus
- Glauce
- Thalia
- Kymodoke
- Nesaea
- Spio
- Thoe
- Halie
- Cymothoe
- Actaea
- Limnoria
- Melite
- Iaira
- Amphithoe
- Agave
- Doto
- Proto
- Pherusa
- Dynamene
- Dexamene
- Amphinome
- Kallieneira
- Doris
- Panope
- Galatea
- Nemertes
- Apseudes
- Klymene
- Ianira
- Ianassa
- Maira
- Oreithuia
- Amatheia
- Peleus
- Zeus
- Menoetius
- Agamemnon
- Hercules
- Hera
- Hephaestus
- Ares
- Priam
- Iris
- Ajax
- Telamon
- Athena
- Polydamas
- Panthoos
- Aglaia
- Eurynome
- Oceanus
- Aeacus
- Apollo
- Hymenaeus
- Eris
- Kudoimos
- Ker
- Daedalus
- Ariadne
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