Winged horse ridden by Bellerophon.
Aethusa, Agenor, Aloeus, Amycus, Antaeus, Arion, Asopus, Augeas, Belus, Benthesicyme, Busiris, Cenchrias, Cercyon, Charybdis, Chrysaor, Cromus, Cteatus, Cychreus, Dercynus, Ephialtes, Epopeus, Erginus, Eryx, Eumolpus, Euphemus, Eurypylus, Eurytus, Halirrhothius, Hippothoon, Hippo, Hopleus, Hyperenor, Hyrieus, Ialebion, Ida, Leches, Lelex, Lycus, Mygdon, Nauplius, Neleus, Nireus, Orion, Otus, Pelias, Peratus, Periclymenus, Phineus, Poltys, Polyphemus, Proteus, Rhode, Sarpedon, Sciron, Taphius, Thasus, Triops, Triton
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 3.2
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 4.2
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 1, Section 2.5
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 2, Section 1.9
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 2, Section 3.5
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 2, Section 4.1
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 2, Section 31.9
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