Events mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 23, Funeral Games

  1. Poseidon gives Peleus immortal horses, Balius and Xanthus
  2. Achilles keeps the Myrmidons on the field to mourn Patroclus
  3. Achilles leads the cry of lament for Patroclus
  4. Achilles provides the Myrmidons with a banquet
  5. The Achaeans take Achilles to Agamemnon’s tent
  6. Achilles refuses to bathe
  7. Achilles is visited by Patroclus’ spirit
  8. Patroclus’ spirit mentions Achilles’ fate to die at Troy
  9. Agamemnon’s men collect wood for a bier
  10. Myrmidons cut locks of their hair to put on the body of Patroclus
  11. Achilles cuts the lock of hair that Peleus promised to Sperchius
  12. The Myrmidons and the Achaean princes perform the death ritual of Patroclus
  13. Achilles kills twelve Trojan noble sons to put on the bier with Patroclus
  14. Aphrodite protects Hector’s body from dogs and decay with ambrosial oil
  15. Apollo protects Hector’s body from drying out
  16. Achilles calls on the winds to light Patroclus’ pyre
  17. Iris fetches Boreas and Zephyrus for Achilles
  18. The Ethiopians offer hecatombs to the Olympians
  19. Boreas and Zephyrus make the pyre of Patroclus burn all night
  20. Achilles mourns Patroclus
  21. The Achaeans collect Patroclus’ remains in an urn
  22. The Achaeans build a temporary barrow for Patroclus
  23. Achilles hosts funeral games for Patroclus
  24. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achaeans compete in a chariot race
  25. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Diomedes chariot races using the horses of Aeneas
  26. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Menelaus chariot races using his horse and one of Agamemnon’s
  27. Echepolos gives Agamemnon a horse to avoid the Trojan War
  28. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Nestor advises Antilochus in how to race a chariot
  29. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Phoenix is the umpire
  30. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Eumelus takes the lead
  31. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Apollo sabotages Diomedes
  32. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Athena helps Diomedes
  33. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Athena sabotages Eumelus
  34. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Eumelus is thrown from his chariot
  35. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Antilochus passes Menelaus
  36. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Idomeneus and Ajax argue over who is in the lead
  37. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Idomeneus and Ajax place bets on the winner
  38. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Diomedes wins first place
  39. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Antilochus comes in second place
  40. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Menelaus comes in third place
  41. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Meriones comes in fourth place
  42. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Eumelus comes in last place
  43. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Achilles pities Eumelus for losing
  44. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Achilles attempts to give Eumelus second prize
  45. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Antilochus argues against giving Eumelus his prize
  46. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Achilles awards Eumelus a separate prize from his own tent
  47. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Menelaus gets angry at Antilochus
  48. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Menelaus wants Antilochus to swear he didn’t cheat
  49. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Antilochus gives his prize to Menelaus
  50. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Menelaus gives second prize back to Antilochus
  51. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Menelaus takes third prize
  52. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Meriones gets fourth prize
  53. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Chariot race: Achilles gifts the fifth prize to Nestor
  54. Nestor boasts of his strength and skill as a youth
  55. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles hosts a boxing match
  56. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Boxing Match: Epeus volunteers first
  57. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Boxing Match: Euryalus volunteers to face Epeus
  58. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Boxing Match: Epeus wins first prize
  59. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Boxing Match: Euryalus wins second prize
  60. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles hosts a wrestling contest
  61. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles stops the wrestling match
  62. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Wrestling Match: Ajax and Odysseus take equal prizes
  63. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles hosts a running competition
  64. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Running Contest: Odysseus prays to Athena in order to run faster
  65. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Running Contest: Athena sabotages Ajax
  66. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Running Contest: Odysseus wins first place
  67. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Running Contest: Ajax wins second place
  68. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Running Contest: Antilochus wins third place
  69. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles rewards Antilochus
  70. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Achilles calls for a display of armed combat
  71. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Achilles awards Sarpedon’s sword to Diomedes
  72. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles hosts a throwing competition
  73. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Polypoetes wins the iron quoit
  74. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles hosts an archery contest
  75. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Meriones wins the archery contest
  76. Funeral Games of Patroclus: King Teucer takes second place in archery contest
  77. Funeral Games of Patroclus: Achilles hosts a javelin contest
  78. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Javelin Contest: Achilles gives the first prize to Agamemnon
  79. Funeral Games of Patroclus - Javelin Contest: Agamemnon gives the second prize to Meriones
  80. The Funeral Games of Patroclus end, and the assembly breaks up
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