Events mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 21, Routing of the Trojans

  1. Achilles captures Lycaon
  2. Achilles divides the Trojan forces at the bank of the river Xanthos
  3. Achilles enters the river and massacres the Trojans
  4. Achilles spares twelve Trojans to sacrifice
  5. Achilles sends Lycaon to Lemnos
  6. Lycaon is bought by Euneus
  7. Eetion frees Lycaon
  8. Eetion sends Lycaon to Arisbe
  9. Lycaon escapes from Arisbe
  10. Lycaon returns home to Troy
  11. Achilles sees Lycaon in the river and thinks he has returned from the dead
  12. Lycaon prostrates himself before Achilles and begs for his life
  13. Achilles rebukes and kills Lycaon
  14. Xanthus empowers Asteropaeus to fight Achilles
  15. Achilles kills Asteropaeus
  16. Achilles strips Asteropaeus of his armour
  17. Achilles pursues the Paeonians
  18. Achilles kills Thersilokhos, Mydon, Astypylos, Mnesos, Thrasios, Oeneus, and Ophelestes
  19. The river Xanthus takes human form
  20. Xanthus warns Achilles to stop polluting his waters with corpses
  21. Apollo continues his onslaught against the Trojans
  22. Xanthus tells Apollo that he is not following Zeus’ order to defend the Trojans
  23. Achilles enters the river Xanthus a second time
  24. Xanthus attacks Achilles with great waves
  25. Achilles asks the gods to save him from Xanthus
  26. Poseidon and Athena appear to Achilles and reassure him he will not die in the river
  27. Achilles attempts to overcome Xanthus’ assault
  28. Xanthus invokes the aid of Simoeis against Achilles
  29. Hera orders Hephaestus to distract Xanthus from his attack on Achilles
  30. Hephaestus starts fires on Xanthus’s banks
  31. Xanthus, scalded by Hephaestus, relents in his attack on Achilles
  32. Xanthus swears not to defend the Trojans again
  33. Hera calls off Hephaestus’s attack on Xanthus
  34. The gods begin to quarrel with one another
  35. Ares attacks Athena
  36. Athena strikes Ares down and mocks him
  37. Hera sees Aphrodite leading Ares from the fray and tells Athena to go after her
  38. Athena attacks Aphrodite
  39. Poseidon urges Apollo to fight him
  40. Artemis criticizes Apollo for refusing to fight Poseidon
  41. Hera beats Artemis until she runs away weeping
  42. Hermes refuses to fight Leto
  43. Artemis cries to Zeus that Hera beat her
  44. Priam orders that the gates of Troy be left open for the Trojans fleeing from Achilles
  45. Apollo protects the Trojans outside Troy
  46. Apollo inspires Agenor to stay behind and wait for Achilles
  47. Agenor and Achilles fight
  48. Apollo spirits Agenor away to safety
  49. Apollo disguises himself as Agenor and leads Achilles away from the Trojan host
  50. The Trojan host returns to the safety of the city walls
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