Events mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 17, Fight over Patroclus

  1. Menelaus learns of Patroclus’ death
  2. Menelaus protects Patroclus’ body from the Trojans
  3. Euphorbus tries to get Patroclus’ body from Menelaus
  4. Menelaus kills Euphorbus and strips him of his armour
  5. Apollo incites Hector to get Achilles’ horses
  6. Hector rallies the Trojans to get Patroclus’ body
  7. Menelaus leaves Patroclus’ body to find Ajax
  8. Menelaus returns to Patroclus’ body with Ajax
  9. Hector strips Achilles’ armour from Patroclus’ body
  10. Hector retreats from fighting Ajax
  11. Glaukos rebukes Hector for retreating from Ajax
  12. Hector puts on Achilles’ armour
  13. The Trojans, Lycians, and Dardanians charge the Danaans
  14. Ajax, Idomeneus, and Meriones come to help protect Patroclus’ body
  15. Zeus sends a cloud to help protect the body of Patroclus
  16. Ajax kills Hippothoos and Phorkys
  17. Apollo, disguised as Periphas, encourages Aeneas to defend Troy
  18. Apollo recognizes Apollo in disguise
  19. Aeneas tells Hector and the Trojans that Zeus is on their side
  20. Aeneas kills Leiokritos
  21. Lycomedes kills Apisaon
  22. Automedon fails to get Achilles’ horses to return to the ships
  23. Alkimedon helps Automedon with Achilles’ horses
  24. Hector, Aeneas, and two Trojans try to get Achilles’ horses
  25. Automedon kills Aretos
  26. Automedon strips Aretos’ body of his armour
  27. Athena goes through the Achaean ranks to encourage them
  28. Athena fills Menelaus with strength
  29. Menelaus kills Podes
  30. Apollo tells Hector of Podes’ death
  31. Zeus causes panic amongst the Achaeans
  32. Polydamas strikes Peneleos
  33. Hector strikes Leitos in the hand
  34. Idomeneus strikes Hector in the chest
  35. Hector kills Koiranos
  36. Idomeneus flees to the ships
  37. Menelaus sends Antilochus to tell Achilles of Patroclus’ death
  38. Antilochus gives his armour to Laodocus
  39. Antilochus leaves the battlefield to find Achilles
  40. Menelaus and Meriones carry Patroclus’ body off the battlefield
  41. Hector kills Schedius
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