Events mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 16, Death of Sarpedon & Patroclus

  1. Achilles arms Patroclus in his armour
  2. Patroclus kills Sarpedon
  3. Hector kills Patroclus
  4. Euphorbus wounds Patroclus
  5. Patroclus mourns the losses of the Argives and criticizes Achilles for not intervening
  6. Patroclus asks Achilles for his armour and some of his Myrmidons
  7. Achilles orders Patroclus to don his armour and frighten the Trojans away, but warns him not to engage them
  8. Ajax struggles to hold off the Trojans
  9. Hector attacks Ajax, breaking his spear
  10. Ajax retreats, believing Zeus has forsaken him
  11. The Trojans set fire to the ship of Protesilaus
  12. Chiron cuts an ashen spear atop a mountain and gives it to Peleus
  13. Podarge gives birth to the immortal horses, Xanthus and Balius
  14. Achilles goes amongst the Myrmidons and orders them to fight
  15. Achilles appoints Menesthius, Eudoros, Peisandros, Phoenix and Alkimedon as the leaders of his fifty ships
  16. Hermes seduces Polymele
  17. Polymele gives birth to Eudoros
  18. Achilles rallies the Myrmidons to fight the Trojans
  19. Achilles prays to Zeus for Patroclus to be victorious in driving off the Trojans
  20. Patroclus musters the Myrmidons to fight the Trojans
  21. The Trojans mistake Patroclus for Achilles and try to retreat
  22. Patroclus kills Pyraechmes
  23. Patroclus douses the fire on the ship of Protesilaus
  24. Patroclus kills Areilykos
  25. Menelaus kills Thoas
  26. Meges kills Amphiklos
  27. Antilochus kills Atymnios
  28. Thrasymedes kills Maris
  29. Ajax kills Kleoboulos
  30. Peneleos kills Lykon
  31. Ajax and Hector fight one another
  32. Hector flees the battle in his chariot, leaving the main body of the Trojans behind
  33. Patroclus chases after Hector, causing mayhem amongst the Trojans
  34. Patroclus kills Pronoos, Thestor, Erylaos, Erymas, Amphoteros, Epaltes, Tlepolemos, Echios, Pyris, Ipheus, Euippos, and Polymelos.
  35. Sarpedon and Patroclus fight in single combat
  36. Zeus and Hera debate Sarpedon’s fate
  37. Patroclus kills Thrasydemos
  38. Sarpedon asks Glaucus to rally the Lycians, and to prevent his armour from being taken when he dies
  39. Apollo heals Glaucus’ wound and enables him to fight
  40. Glaucus rallies the Lycians and the Trojans to defend the body of Sarpedon
  41. Hector leads the Trojans against the Danaans to avenge Sarpedon
  42. Patroclus urges the two Ajaxes to despoil the body of Sarpedon
  43. The Trojans and Lycians fight the Myrmidons and Achaeans over the body of Sarpedon
  44. Hector kills Epeigeus
  45. Patroclus kills Sthenelaos
  46. Glaucus kills Bathykles
  47. Meriones kills Laogonos
  48. Meriones and Aeneas taunt one another
  49. Zeus considers the best way to kill Patroclus
  50. Zeus withdraws his support from the Trojans
  51. Hector and the Trojans retreat back to the city
  52. Patroclus strips Sarpedon of his armour
  53. Patroclus gives Sarpedon’s armour to the Achaeans
  54. Apollo recovers Sarpedon’s body from the battlefield
  55. Apollo cleanses and anoints the body of Sarpedon
  56. Apollo takes the body of Sarpedon to Death and Sleep
  57. Death and Sleep return the body of Sarpedon to Lycia
  58. Patroclus pursues Hector
  59. Patroclus kills Adrastus, Autonoos, Echeklos, Perimos, Epistor, Melanippos, Elasus, Pylartes, and Moulios
  60. Patroclus tries four times to attack the walls of Troy
  61. Apollo warns Patroclus not to attack Troy
  62. Apollo, disguised as Asius, appears to Hector, and urges him to attack and kill Patroclus
  63. Hector orders Kebriones to rejoin the battle
  64. Apollo intensifies fear amongst the Argives
  65. Apollo bolsters the courage of Hector and the Trojans
  66. Patroclus kills Cebriones
  67. Hector and Patroclus fight over the body of Cebriones
  68. Hector and the Trojans fight Patroclus and the Achaeans over the body of Cebriones
  69. The Achaeans strip the armour from the body of Cebriones
  70. Patroclus kills nine Trojan men
  71. Apollo stuns Patroclus
  72. Patroclus tells Hector that he will die by the hand of Achilles
  73. Meriones kills Acamas
  74. Idomeneus Kills Erymas
  75. Epeigeus kills Agakles
  76. Thetis and Peleus send Epeigeus to join the Myrmidons
  77. Bathykles comes from Hellas
  78. Laogonos is a priest of Zeus of Mount Ida
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