Events mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 13, Trojans Attack the Ships
- Poseidon defies Zeus by assisting the Achaeans
- Poseidon disguises himself as Calchas
- Poseidon encourages the Achaean heroes to fight
- Poseidon advises the two Ajaxes to take a stand and drive the Trojans back
- Poseidon strikes the two Ajaxes with his scepter and fills them with daring and strength
- Poseidon encourages Teucer, Leitus, Peneleos, Thoas, Deipylus, Meriones, and Antilochus to continue fighting the Trojans
- The two Ajaxes gather the strongest of the Achaeans and create a human wall to deter Hector’s advance
- Hector encourages the Trojans to continue fighting against the human wall created by the Achaeans
- Meriones breaks his spear on Deiphobus’ shield
- Meriones returns to the ships to replace his spear
- Teucer kills Imbrius
- Hector kills Amphimachus
- Stichius and Menestheus take the body of Amphimachus back to the Achaean host
- The two Ajaxes take the body of Imbrius back to the Achaean host and behead it
- Poseidon is angered by the death of Amphimachus
- Poseidon disguises himself as Thoas
- Poseidon urges the Achaeans to further their attack on the Trojans
- Poseidon encourages Idomeneus to rejoin the battle
- Idomeneus and Meriones return to the battle, joining the left wing of the Achaean host
- Poseidon encourages the Achaeans in secret, for fear of incurring Zeus’ wrath
- Idomeneus kills Othryoneus
- Othryoneus promises to drive the Achaeans out of Troy if he can marry Priam’s daughter, Cassandra
- Idomeneus kills Asius
- Antilochus kills Asius’ charioteer
- Deiphobus kills Hypsenor
- Mecisteus and Alastor take the body of Hypsenor back to the Greek ships
- Idomeneus kills Alcathous
- Deiphobus gets Aeneas to help him fight Idomeneus and defend the body of Alcathous
- Hippodamia and Alcathous raise Aeneas in their home
- Idomeneus asks Ascalaphus, Aphareus, Deipylus, Meriones, and Antilochus to assist him in fighting Aeneas
- Aeneas asks Deiphobus, Paris, and Agenor to assist him in fighting Idomeneus and his comrades
- Idomeneus kills Oinomaos
- Deiphobus kills Ascalaphus
- Meriones injures Deiphobus’ arm
- Deiphobus is carried out of the battle by his brother Polites
- Aeneas kills Aphareus
- Antilochus kills Thoon
- Poseidon protects Antilochus from the Trojans
- Meriones kills Adamas
- Helenus kills Deipylus
- Menelaus injures Helenus’ bow arm
- Agenor tends to Helenus’ injury
- Menelaus kills Peisandros
- Harpalion attacks Menelaus
- Polyidus predicts two possible outcomes of Euchenor’s death
- Paris kills Euchenor
- The Boeotians, Ionians, Locrians, Eleans, and Athenians cannot hold back Hector’s forces
- Medon is exiled to Phylace after he kills Eriopis
- Polydamas advises Hector to draw back from battle, regroup, and seek the council of his chieftains
- Polydamas gathers the Trojan chieftains at Hector’s command
- Hector goes in search of Deiphobus, Helenus, Adamas, and Asius
- Hector finds Paris and rebukes him
- Hector and Paris discuss the fates of Deiphobus, Helenus, Adamas, and Asius
- Hector and the Trojan leaders lead their troops to the center of the battle
- While Ajax predicts victory for the Achaeans, a bird lands on his right hand
- The Achaeans interpret the bird as a good omen that Ajax speaks truly
- Hector predicts victory for the Trojans
- Meriones kilss Harpalion
- Stichius comes from Athens
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