Events mentioned in: Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 11, Achaeans Face Disaster

  1. Zeus sends Discord to the Achaean ships
  2. Zeus forbids the gods from involving themselves in his plan for the Trojans and Achaeans
  3. Agamemnon kills Bienor
  4. Agamemnon kills Oileus
  5. Achilles takes Isos and Antiphus as his prisoners
  6. Achilles ransoms Isos and Antiphus back to the Trojans
  7. Agamemnon kills Isos
  8. Agamemnon kills Antiphus
  9. Paris bribes Antimachus to prevent Helen from being restored to Menelaus
  10. Peisandros and Hippolochus beg Agamemnon to ransom them back to their father
  11. Antimachus proposes in council that Menelaus and Odysseus should be killed
  12. Agamemnon kills Peisandros
  13. Agamemnon kills Hippolochus
  14. Zeus draws Hector away from the Achaeans
  15. Agamemnon rampages through the Trojan ranks
  16. Zeus asks Iris to deliver a message to Hector
  17. Iris tells Hector that Zeus will grant him victory if he remains out of the fight
  18. Iphidamas goes to Troy to gain glory
  19. Agamemnon kills Iphidamas
  20. Coon injures Agamemnon
  21. Agamemnon kills Coon
  22. Agamemnon retreats from battle
  23. Hector leads the Trojan troops into battle
  24. Hector kills Asaios
  25. Hector kills Autonoos
  26. Hector kills Opites
  27. Hector kills Dolops
  28. Hector kills Opheltios
  29. Hector kills Agelaus
  30. Hector kills Aisymnos
  31. Hector kills Orus
  32. Hector kills Hipponous
  33. Odysseus and Diomedes lead the Achaeans into battle
  34. Odysseus and Diomedes prevent Hector from taking the Achaean ships
  35. Diomedes kills Thymbraios
  36. Odysseus kills Molion
  37. Adrastus and Amphius go to war against their father’s wishes
  38. Diomedes kills Adrastus and Amphius
  39. Odysseus kills Hippodamos
  40. Odysseus kills Hypeirochos
  41. Diomedes kills Agastrophos
  42. Diomedes attacks Hector
  43. Hector is protected by a helm given to him by Apollo
  44. Paris shoots an arrow into Diomedes’ right foot
  45. Diomedes insults Paris for fighting without honour
  46. Diomedes retreats from battle
  47. Odysseus is left alone to fight against the Trojans
  48. Odysseus injures Deiopites
  49. Odysseus kills Thoon
  50. Odysseus kills Ennomus
  51. Odysseus kills Chersidamas
  52. Odysseus kills Charops
  53. Socus challenges Odysseus to a fight to avenge his brother Charops
  54. Socus injures Odysseus
  55. Odysseus kills Socus
  56. Menelaus and Ajax come to the aid of Odysseus
  57. Odysseus retreats from battle
  58. Ajax kills Doryclus
  59. Ajax wounds Pandokos
  60. Ajax wounds Lysandros
  61. Ajax wounds Pyrasus
  62. Ajax wounds Pylartes
  63. Paris shoots an arrow into Machaon’s right shoulder
  64. Nestor takes Machaon back to the Achaean ships
  65. Cebriones draws Hector’s attention to the havoc Ajax is creating among the Trojans
  66. Hector defends the Trojans
  67. Ajax is overpowered by the Trojans and retreats
  68. Eurypylus kills Apisaon
  69. Paris shoots an arrow into Eurypylus’ right thigh
  70. Eurypylus counsels the Achaeans to defend Ajax from the Trojans
  71. Achilles sends Patroclus to ask about the injured warrior on Nestor’s chariot
  72. Achilles sacks Tenedos
  73. The Achaeans give Hecamede to Nestor
  74. Patroclus confirms that the injured warrior on Nestor’s chariot was Machaon
  75. Nestor criticizes Achilles’ disregard for the Achaeans
  76. The Pylians and the Epeans fight over cattle-raids
  77. Nestor kills Itymoneus
  78. Hercules kills all the best men of Pylos, except Nestor
  79. Nestor kills Moulios
  80. Nestor reminds Patroclus of the responsibility his father Menoitios charged him with before leaving for Troy
  81. Nestor tells Patroclus to lead the Myrmidons to battle if Achilles will not
  82. Patroclus relays Nestor’s message
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