Events mentioned in: Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Book 3

  1. Amphictyon rules Attica
  2. Heroes gather in Calydon to fight the boar
  3. Athamas kills Learchus with an arrow
  4. Ino kills herself and Melicertes
  5. Sisyphus tells Asopus that Zeus has abducted Aegina
  6. Argonauts encounter Phineus on Salmydessus
  7. The Argonauts punish Phineus
  8. Zetes and Calais chase the Harpies
  9. Agenor rules Phoenicia
  10. Zeus kidnaps Europa
  11. Poseidon sends up a bull for Minos which Minos promises but fails to sacrifice
  12. Hercules takes Troy
  13. Hercules takes Sparta with Cepheus and sons and kills Hippocoon and sons
  14. Hercules reestablishes Tyndareus as ruler of Sparta
  15. Hercules impregnates Auge
  16. Auge gives birth to Telephus and places him in the precinct of Athena
  17. Auge’s father discovers her baby Telephus in the precinct of Athena
  18. Baby Telephus is exposed
  19. Telephus is nursed by a doe
  20. Auge’s father gives her to Nauplius
  21. Nauplius gives Auge to Teuthras, they get married
  22. Europa gives birth to Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys
  23. Agenor sends his sons to look for Europa
  24. Phoenix, unable to find Europa, settles in Phoenicia
  25. Cilix, unable to find Europa, settles in Cilicia
  26. Unable to find Europa, Cadmus and Telephassa live in Thrace
  27. Unable to find Europa, Thasus founds and lives in Thasus
  28. Asterius marries Europa
  29. The sons of Europa fight over the affections of the same boy
  30. Asterius rules Crete
  31. Miletus founds Miletus
  32. Sarpedon rules Lycia
  33. Sarpedon and Cilix become allies
  34. Rhadamanthys creates laws for Crete
  35. Rhadamanthys marries Alcmena
  36. Rhadamanthys and Minos act as judges in Hades
  37. Minos marries Pasiphae, has children
  38. Minos rules Crete
  39. Poseidon makes Pasiphae fall in love with the Cretan Bull
  40. Daedalus constructs a hollow wooden cow to assist Pasiphae
  41. Pasiphae has sex with the Cretan Bull
  42. Daedalus is banished from Athens for murder
  43. Pasiphae gives birth to the Minotaur
  44. Minos and Daedalus enclose the Minotaur in the labyrinth
  45. Daedalus builds the Labyrinth
  46. Catreus gets an oracle that one of his children will kill him
  47. Althaemenes learns of the oracle that their father will be killed by his child
  48. Althaemenes and Apemosyne leave Crete
  49. Althaemenes founds Cretinia
  50. Althaemenes founds an altar of Atabyrian Zeus
  51. Hermes rapes Apemosyne
  52. Althaemenes murders Apemosyne
  53. Catreus gives Aerope and Clymene to Nauplius to sell into slavery
  54. Catreus comes to Rhodes in order to give his kingdom to Althaemenes.
  55. Althaemenes accidentally kills Catreus
  56. Althaemenes disappears into a chasm
  57. Glaucus chases a mouse into a jar of honey and drowns
  58. Minos gathers diviners to bring Glaucus back to life. Polyidus succeeds
  59. Minos forces Polyidus to teach divination to Glaucus
  60. Polyidus makes Glaucus forget the art of divination
  61. Telephassa dies and is buried by Cadmus
  62. Cadmus is a guest of the Thracians
  63. Cadmus consults the Delphic oracle about Europa
  64. Cadmus journeys through Phocis in search of a cow to follow
  65. Cadmus follows a cow across Boeotia
  66. The cow Cadmus is following settles in Thebes
  67. Cadmus tries to sacrifice the cow he was following to Athena, some of his companions are killed by a dragon in the attempt
  68. Cadmus kills a dragon and sows its teeth in the ground at Athena’s behest
  69. The Sparti rise up from the ground, and fight amongst themselves. Many are killed.
  70. Cadmus serves Ares for a year to make up for the death of most of the Sparti
  71. Athena gives a kingdom to Cadmus
  72. Zeus gives Cadmus Harmonia to marry
  73. Gods attend the wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia
  74. Zeus has sex with Semele and agrees to grant her any favour
  75. Hera tricks Semele into asking Zeus to manifest to her as he appears to Hera
  76. Zeus kills Semele with a thunderbolt
  77. Zeus sews Dionysus into his thigh to gestate
  78. Zeus gives birth to Dionysus, gives him to Hermes
  79. Hermes gives baby Dionysus to Ino and Athamas
  80. Hera drives Athamas and Ino insane
  81. Zeus turns Dionysus into a kid
  82. Hermes brings Dionysus, in kid form, to the Hyades
  83. Chiron trains Actaeon to be a hunter
  84. Actaeon is eaten by his dogs
  85. Actaeon woos Semele
  86. Actaeon sees Artemis bathing, she transforms him into a deer
  87. Dionysus discovers the vine
  88. Hera drives Dionysus insane
  89. Dionysus wanders through Egypt in his insanity
  90. Dionysus is hosted by Proteus
  91. Dionysus wanders through Syria in his insanity
  92. Rhea cures Dionysus of insanity
  93. Rhea teaches Dionysus rites of initiation
  94. Lycurgus is king of the Edonians
  95. Lycurgus insults and expels Dionysus
  96. Dionysus takes refuge in the Sea with Thetis
  97. Lycurgus takes Maenads and Satyrs prisoner
  98. Dionysus drives Lycurgus insane
  99. Lycurgus kills his son Dryas while under Dionysus’ influence
  100. A prophecy require the sacrifice of Lycurgus to restore the fertility of his kingdom’s land
  101. Lycurgus is sacrificed to Dionysus
  102. Dionysus wanders through Thrace
  103. Dionysus wanders through India
  104. Dionysus arrives in Thebes
  105. Dionysus compels the women of Thebes to go up Cithaeron
  106. Pentheus tries to stop Dionysus and his rites
  107. Agave, under Dionysus’ influence, rips Pentheus to pieces
  108. The people of Argos fail to worship Dionysus appropriately
  109. Dionysus drives the women of Argos insane
  110. The women of Argos eat their babies
  111. Dionysus hires a pirate ship of Tyrrhenians to take him to Naxos
  112. The ship Dionysus hired sails past Naxos and heads for Asia instead
  113. Dionysus turns pirates into dophins
  114. Dionysus fetches Semele from Hades
  115. Dionysus and Semele go to heaven
  116. Cadmus and Harmonia leave Thebes for the Encheleans
  117. Cadmus and Harmonia lead the Encheleans in their war against the Illyrians
  118. Cadmus and Harmonia are turned into snakes by Zeus
  119. Illyrius is born
  120. Zeus sends Cadmus and Harmonia to the Elysian Fields
  121. Polydorus becomes king of Thebes
  122. Polydorus marries Nycteis
  123. Labdacus born
  124. Labdacus dies
  125. Laius inherits rule of Thebes
  126. Lycus takes over rule of Thebes while Laius is a child
  127. Pentheus grants Lycus and Nycteus citizenship at Thebes
  128. Lycus made a general of Thebes
  129. Lycus killed by Amphion and Zethus
  130. Zeus has sex with Antiope
  131. Antiope flees to Sicyon to escape Nycteus’ anger
  132. Antiope marries Epopeus
  133. Nycteus instructs Lycus to punish Antiope and Epopeus
  134. Nycteus kills himself
  135. Lycus captures the city of Sicyon
  136. Lycus kills Epopeus
  137. Lycus takes Antiope captive
  138. Antiope gives birth to Amphion and Zethus
  139. Amphion and Zethus are exposed
  140. Amphion and Zethus are discovered and adopted by a shepherd
  141. Hermes gives the lyre to Amphion
  142. Lycus and Dirce imprison Antiope
  143. Antiope is reunited with Amphion and Zethus
  144. Amphion and Zethus kill Lycus
  145. Amphion and Zethus tie Dirce to a bull and throw her into a spring
  146. Amphion lifts stones with his lyre to help re-found Thebes.
  147. Amphion and Zethus expel Laius and rule Thebes
  148. Laius flees to the Peloponnese.
  149. Laius is warmly received by Pelops
  150. Laius teaches Chrysippus to drive a chariot
  151. Laius falls in love with Chrysippus and carries him off.
  152. Zethus marries Thebe
  153. Amphion marries Niobe
  154. Niobe gives birth to seven sons and seven daughters
  155. Niobe says she is more blessed with children than Leto
  156. Leto calls upon Apollo and Artemis to defend her honour
  157. Artemis shoots down Niobe’s daughters
  158. Apollo shoots down Niobe’s sons
  159. Amphion and Chloris are the only two of Niobe’s family not killed by Artemis and Apollo
  160. Chloris married Neleus
  161. Niobe returns to her father after the slaughter of her children
  162. Niobe prays to Zeus and is turned into a stone that weeps
  163. Amphion dies
  164. Laius regains power after Amphion’s death
  165. Laius marries Jocasta
  166. Oracle warns Laius not to have a son, because the son he fathers will kill him
  167. Laius gets drunk and has sex with Jocasta
  168. Laius pierces baby Oedipus’ ankles
  169. A herdsman exposes baby Oedipus per Laius’ instructions
  170. Herdsmen of Polybus, king of Corinth, find baby Oedipus
  171. Herdsmen bring baby Oedipus to Periboea, who adopts him
  172. Periboea raises Oedipus as her own
  173. Oedipus’ jealous friends call him a bastard
  174. Periboea refuses to confirm Oedipus’s parentage
  175. Oedipus receives a prophecy that he will murder his father and marry his mother
  176. Oedipus leaves Corinth to avoid the prophecy
  177. Oedipus kills Laius and his herald Polyphontes
  178. Oedipus arrives at Thebes
  179. Laius is buried by Damasistratus
  180. Creon succeeds to power at Thebes
  181. Hera sends the Sphinx to Thebes
  182. Sphinx learns a riddle from the Muses
  183. Sphinx asks her riddle of the Thebans, eating those who give the wrong answer
  184. Oracle tells Thebans they will be free of the Sphinx when they solve her riddle
  185. Haemon dies answering the Sphinx incorrectly
  186. Creon offers Jocasta and the kingdom to the whoever solves the riddle of the Sphinx
  187. Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx
  188. Sphinx throws herself from the citadel
  189. Oedipus becomes king of Thebes
  190. Oedipus unwittingly marries his mother, Jocasta
  191. Polynices, Eteocles, Ismene and Antigone are born to Oedipus and Jocasta
  192. Oedipus discovers that he is the son of Laius and Jocasta
  193. Jocasta hangs herself
  194. Oedipus is driven from Thebes by his sons
  195. Oedipus stabs out his eyes
  196. Oedipus curses his sons
  197. Oedipus and Antigone arrive at Colonus
  198. Oedipus is a suppliant at the Precinct of the Eumenides
  199. Theseus hosts Oedipus
  200. Oedipus dies
  201. Eteocles and Polynices agree to annually alternate rule of Thebes
  202. Eteocles refuses to return power to Polynices
  203. Polynices arrives at Argos in possession of the robe and necklace of Harmonia
  204. Adrastus breaks up fight between Polynices and Tydeus
  205. A seer tells Adrastus to yoke his daughters to the boar and the lion
  206. Polynices and Tydeus marry Adrastus’ daughters Deiphyle and Argia
  207. Tydeus marries Deipyle
  208. Polynices marries Argia
  209. Adrastus promises Polynices and Tydeus that he will regain their lands
  210. Adrastus marches on Thebes
  211. Tydeus fled from Calydon
  212. Amphiaraus foresees that all of the Seven against Thebes except Adrastus will die
  213. Polynices asks the seer Iphis how to compel Amphiaraus to join the expedition
  214. Iphis tells Polynices to give Eriphyle the necklace of Harmonia
  215. Amphiaraus forbids Eriphyle to accept gifts from Polynices
  216. Polynices begs Eriphyle to convince Amphiaraus to go to war
  217. Amphiaraus swears to let Eriphyle resolve a future dispute between him and Adrastus
  218. Eriphyle persuades Amphiaraus to go to war
  219. Amphiaraus instructs his sons to kill Eriphyle and march on Thebes they grow up
  220. Adrastus musters an army and the Seven against Thebes
  221. Seven against Thebes stop for water at Nemea
  222. Hypsipyle leads the Seven against Thebes to a spring
  223. Hypsiple leaves the infant Opheltes unattended
  224. Lemnian women learn that Thoas had been saved
  225. Lemnian women kill Thoas and sell Hypsipyle into slavery
  226. Hypsipyle becomes servant of Lycurgus
  227. Opheltes is killed by a serpent while Hypsipyle is out
  228. Adrastus and the Seven against Thebes kill a serpent and bury Opheltes
  229. Amphiaraus declares that the killing of Opheltes by the snake was an omen
  230. Opheltes is given the name Archemorus
  231. Nemean games are celebrated in honor of Opheltes
  232. Adrastus wins the horse race at the Nemean games
  233. Eteoclus wins the footrace at the Nemean games
  234. Tydeus wins the boxing match at the Nemean games
  235. Amphiaraus wins the leaping and discus-throwing event at the Nemean games
  236. Laodocus wins the javelin throwing at the Nemean games
  237. Polynices wins the wrestling event at the Nemean games
  238. Parthenopaeus wins the archery event at the Nemean games
  239. Seven against Thebes arrive at Cithaeron
  240. Tydeus is sent to tell Eteocles to cede Thebes to Polynices
  241. Eteocles refuses Tydeus’ request to return Thebes to Polynices
  242. Tydeus challenges Thebans to single combat and beats all he faces
  243. Thebans send 50 men to ambush Tydeus
  244. Tydeus kills all of the Thebans who ambush him except Maeon
  245. Tydeus arrives safely back at camp on Cithaeron
  246. Seven against Thebes approach the walls of Thebes
  247. Adrastus goes to the Homoloidian gate
  248. Capaneus goes to the Ogygian gate
  249. Amphiaraus goes to the Proetidian gate
  250. Hippomedon goes to the Oncaidian gate
  251. Polynices goes to the Hypsistan gate
  252. Parthenopaeus goes to the Electran gate
  253. Tydeus goes to the Crenidian gate
  254. Eteocles arms the Thebans and assigns a leader to each gate
  255. Eteocles consults seers to learn how the Thebans might win the war
  256. Tiresias is blinded for revealing the secrets of the gods to mortals
  257. Chariclo covers Tiresias’ eyes when he saw Athena naked and blinds him
  258. Athena gives Tiresias the ability to understand the birds and a special staff
  259. Tiresias is turned into a woman when he sees snakes copulating
  260. Tiresias is turned back into a man
  261. Hera and Zeus consult Tiresias about whether men or women enjoy sex more
  262. Tiresias says women enjoy sex more than men
  263. Hera blinds Tiresias
  264. Zeus gives Tiresias the gift of prophecy
  265. Thebans consult Tiresias about the war
  266. Tiresias says the Thebans will be victorious if Menoeceus is sacrificed
  267. Menoeceus kills himself before the gates of Thebes
  268. The Thebans are chased back to the walls
  269. Capaneus climbs the walls of Thebes
  270. Zeus strikes Capaneus down with a thunderbolt
  271. Eteocles and Polynices kill each other
  272. Ismarus kills Hippomedon
  273. Leades kills Eteoclus
  274. Parthenopaeus is killed
  275. Athena brings Tydeus medicine to make him immortal
  276. Amphiaraus cuts off Melanippus’ head and gives it to Tydeus
  277. Tydeus eats Melanippus’ brains
  278. Athena withholds the immortality potion from Tydeus
  279. Amphiaraus flees from Periclymenus, is made immortal by Zeus
  280. Adrastus is saved by his horse Arion
  281. Creon gives orders that Polynices and those who fought with him remain unburied
  282. Antigone steals the body of Polynices and secretly buries him
  283. Creon has Antigone buried alive
  284. Creon discovers Antigone burying Polynices
  285. Adrastus takes refuge at the Altar of Mercy in Athens
  286. Theseus and the Athenians capture Thebes
  287. Evadne throws herself on her husband Capaneus’ funeral pyre
  288. Laodamas kills Aegialeus
  289. The Thebans flee from Thebes
  290. Tiresias advises the Thebans in their conflict with the Argives
  291. The Thebans send a herald to make a treaty with the Argives
  292. The Thebans found and live in Hestiaea
  293. The Argives sack Thebes
  294. The Argives send Manto and some spoils from the sack of Thebes to Delphi
  295. Manto and spoils from Thebes are dedicated to Apollo at Delphi
  296. Eriphyle receives a robe from Thersander
  297. Eriphyle persuades her sons to go to war
  298. Alcmaeon kills Laodamas
  299. Tiresias drinks from the stream Tilphussa and dies
  300. Alcmaeon kills Eriphyle in accordance with oracle from Apollo
  301. Alcmaeon is visited by the Fury of his mother’s murder
  302. Alcmaeon visits Oicles
  303. Phegeus purifies Alcmaeon
  304. Alcmaeon marries Arsinoe and gives her his mother’s necklace and robe
  305. Alcmaeon visits Oeneus
  306. Alcmaeon goes to the Thesprotians
  307. Alcmaeon goes to the Springs of Achelous, is purified by him
  308. Alcmaeon marries Callirhoe
  309. Alcmaeon told by an oracle to go to Achelous for another trial
  310. Alcmaeon joins the Epigoni’s army and is made their leader
  311. Callirrhoe becomes jealous of Arsinoe, wants Alcmaeon’s necklace and robe
  312. Phegeus is tricked into giving Alcmaeon the necklace and robe
  313. Phegeus orders his sons to ambush Alcmaeon
  314. Sons of Phegeus kill Alcmaeon
  315. Sons of Phegeus kidnap their sister and put her in a chest
  316. Sons of Phegeus give Arsinoe as a slave to Agapenor, accusing her of the murder of Alcmaeon
  317. Callirhoe asks Zeus to make her sons into adults
  318. Zeus makes the sons of Alcmaeon into adults
  319. The sons of Alcmaeon kill Phegeus and his wife
  320. The sons of Alcmaeon are saved from the pursuing Psophians
  321. Sons of Alcmaeon inform Callirrhoe that they avenged their father’s death
  322. Sons of Alcmaeon dedicate the robe and necklace
  323. Sons of Alcmaeon collect settlers to colonize Acarnania
  324. Alcmaeon brings his children to Creon to raise
  325. Alcmaeon returns to collect his son from Creon
  326. Amphilocus colonizes Amphilocian Argos
  327. Tisiphone is sold into slavery by Creon’s jealous wife
  328. Zeus comes to the Sons of Lycaon in disguise
  329. Zeus kills Lycaon and his sons
  330. Gaia prevents Zeus from killing Nyctimus
  331. The Sons of Lycaon offer Zeus the flesh of a murdered child as food
  332. Zeus rapes Callisto
  333. Zeus turns Callisto into a bear to hide her from Hera
  334. Hera persuades Artemis to kill Callisto
  335. Artemis kills Callisto
  336. Zeus recovers baby Arcas from Callisto’s corpse
  337. Zeus gives Arcas to Maia to raise
  338. Zeus turns Callisto into a constellation
  339. Nyctimus comes to power in Arcadia
  340. Telephus is raised by herders
  341. Telephus consults the oracle at Delphi about his parentage
  342. Telephus becomes the adopted son of Teuthras
  343. Telephus succeeds to the throne of Mysia after Teuthras’ death
  344. Hermes steals Apollo’s cattle
  345. Hermes hides Apollo’s cattle in a cave
  346. Hermes sacrifices some of Apollo’s cattle
  347. Zeus has sex with Maia
  348. Maia gives birth to Hermes
  349. Hermes, as a newborn, wanders away from his mother
  350. Atalanta is exposed by her father
  351. Atalanta kills Rhoecus and Hylaeus when they try to rape her
  352. Atalanta finds her parents
  353. Atalanta races her suitors, killing those who are unable to defeat her
  354. Aphrodite gives Melanion golden apples
  355. Melanion defeats Atalanta
  356. Atalanta marries Melanion
  357. Atalanta and Melanion are changed into lions while having sex
  358. Hermes invents the lyre using a tortoise shell
  359. Apollo discovers his missing cattle
  360. Apollo accuses Hermes of taking his cows;Hermes denies it
  361. Apollo accuses Hermes of cattle theft before Zeus
  362. Hermes returns Apollo’s cattle to him
  363. Apollo trades his cows for Hermes’ lyre
  364. The Dioscuri carry off and marry the daughters of Leucippus
  365. Apollo spends time as Admetus’ servant
  366. Birth of the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades
  367. Theseus kidnaps Helen
  368. Paris carries off Helen
  369. The Greeks land at Troy
  370. Philoctetes kills Paris
  371. Castor and Pollux take Helen and Aethra
  372. Greek kings compete to marry Helen
  373. Odysseus suggests that Tyndareus require the suitors of Helen swear an oath to protect Helen’s marriage
  374. Tyndareus agrees to help Odysseus acquire Penelope as a bride
  375. Tyndareus makes the suitors of Helen swear an oath to protect Helen’s marriage
  376. Tyndareus chooses Menelaus as Helen’s bridegroom
  377. Tyndareus asks Icarius to give Penelope to Odysseus
  378. Iasion tries to rape Demeter
  379. Iasion is killed by a thunderbolt
  380. Dardanus leaves Samothrace
  381. Castor and Pollux steal cattle
  382. Idas divides stolen cattle unfairly
  383. Idas and Lynceus take their stolen cattle to Messene
  384. Castor and Pollux ambush Idas and Lynceus
  385. The Dioscori march against Messene
  386. Idas kills Castor
  387. Pollux chases Idas and Lynceus
  388. Pollux kills Lynceus
  389. Zeus kills Idas with a thunderbolt
  390. Zeus carries Pollux up to Heaven
  391. Pollux chooses to share his immortality with Castor
  392. Zeus permits the Dioscuri to live alternately among the gods and mortals
  393. Tyndareus gives Menelaus the kingdom of Sparta
  394. Teucer gives Dardanus his daughter Batia and a share of his land
  395. Dardanus founds his city, Dardanus, in Teucer’s land and names the country Dardania
  396. Dardanus arrives in Teucer’s country on the mainland
  397. Eos abducts Tithonus
  398. Eos brings Tithonus to Ethiopia
  399. Erichthonius succeeds Ilus as ruler of Dardania
  400. Tros calls Dardania Troy
  401. Zeus abducts Ganymede
  402. Zeus makes Ganymede his cupbearer
  403. Aphrodite and Anchises have sex
  404. Aphrodite gives birth to Aeneas
  405. Ilus goes to Phrygia
  406. Ilus wins 50 young men, 50 young women and a cow in a wrestling contest
  407. Ilus is instructed to found a city wherever his cow lies down
  408. Ilus builds Ilium where the cow lies down at the Phrygian Ate
  409. Ilus prays to Zeus for a sign
  410. Ilus finds the Palladium outside his tent
  411. Athena raised with Pallas by Triton
  412. Athena and Pallas train together for war
  413. Athena accidentally kills Pallas
  414. Athena makes a simulacrum of Pallas
  415. Athena sets up the Palladium beside Zeus
  416. Ilus builds a temple for the Palladium
  417. Electra takes refuge at the Palladium
  418. Zeus throws the Palladium into the Ilian Country
  419. Priam becomes king of Troy
  420. Aesacus transforms into a bird
  421. Priam gives Arisbe to Hyrtacus
  422. Priam marries Hecuba
  423. Hecuba gives birth to Hector
  424. Hecuba has a prophetic dream about the fall of Troy while pregnant with Paris
  425. Priam consults with Aesacus, a seer, who advises that the infant Paris be exposed
  426. Merops teaches Aesacus to interpret dreams
  427. Priam orders Agelaus to expose Paris on Ida
  428. Agelaus exposes Paris on Mount Ida
  429. Paris is nursed by a bear
  430. Agelaus rescues baby Paris
  431. Agelaus raises Paris as his son
  432. Paris fights off robbers and defends his flocks
  433. Paris discovers his parents
  434. Apollo offers to teach Cassandra the art of prophecy in return for sex
  435. Cassandra learns the art of prophecy
  436. Apollo makes it so nobody believes Cassandra’s prophesies
  437. Rhea teaches Oenone the art of prophecy
  438. Oenone warns Paris against sailing to fetch Helen
  439. Oenone tells Paris to return to her if wounded
  440. Philoctetes shoots Paris
  441. Oenone refuses to heal Paris
  442. Paris dies in Troy
  443. Oenone brings medicine for Paris
  444. Oenone hangs herself
  445. Pelops makes war against Stymphalus
  446. Greece is beset with famine
  447. Aeacus kills Stymphalus and mutilates his body
  448. Oracles declare that Aeacus can save Greece from its misfortune if he prays
  449. Aeacus saves Greece from the famine
  450. Aeacus is the keeper of Hades’ keys
  451. Phocus’ brothers plot against him
  452. Telamon kills Phocus
  453. Telamon and Peleus and hide Phocus’ body
  454. Aeacus expels Peleus and Telamon from Aegina
  455. Peleus arrives at the court of Eurytion
  456. Eurytion purifies Peleus of murder
  457. Eurytion gives Peleus Antigone and part of his kingdom
  458. Telamon goes to Salamis to the court of Cychreus
  459. Cychreus becomes king of Salamis
  460. Cychreus kills the snake attacking Salamis
  461. Cychreus bequeaths his kingdom to Telamon
  462. Telamon marries Periboea and has a son
  463. As Hercules prays that Telamon has a male child, an eagle appears
  464. Telamon gets Hesione as a prize
  465. Peleus unintentionally kills Eurytion
  466. Peleus leaves Phthia
  467. Acastus purifies Peleus
  468. Peleus competes with Atalanta in wrestling
  469. Astydamia falls in love with Peleus
  470. Astydamia requests a meeting with Peleus
  471. Peleus refuses to meet Astydamia
  472. Astydamia sends a message to Antigone telling her that Peleus is about to marry Acastus’ daughter Sterope
  473. Antigone kills herself
  474. Astydamia tells Acastus that Peleus attempted to seduce her
  475. Acastus takes Peleus to hunt on Mount Pelion
  476. Acastus abandons a sleeping Peleus and hides his sword
  477. Peleus is attacked by Centaurs
  478. Chiron saves Peleus from the Centaurs
  479. Zeus and Poseidon compete for Thetis’s hand in marriage
  480. There is a prediction made that the son of Thetis will be mightier than his father
  481. Thetis refuses to have sex with Zeus
  482. Hera raises Thetis
  483. Peleus abducts Thetis
  484. Chiron advises Peleus on how to capture Thetis
  485. Peleus marries Thetis
  486. Chiron gives Peleus an ash spear
  487. Poseidon gives Peleus immortal horses, Balius and Xanthus
  488. Achilles is born
  489. Thetis hides the baby Achilles from Peleus
  490. Peleus discovers Thetis putting baby Achilles in a fire
  491. Thetis leaves Peleus and goes to live with the Nereids
  492. Peleus gives Achilles over to Chiron’s care
  493. Peleus sacks Iolcus with Jason and the Dioscuri
  494. Peleus kills Astydamia
  495. Calchas declares that Troy cannot be taken without Achilles
  496. Thetis disguises Achilles in female clothing and sends him to Lycomedes’ household
  497. Achilles grows up at Lycomedes’s court
  498. Neoptolemus is born to Achilles and Deidamia
  499. Odysseus tricks Achilles, disguised as a young women, into breaking character
  500. Cecrops names the country of Acte Cecropia
  501. The gods take possession of cities in which each of them receives his own particular worship
  502. Poseidon creates the sea of Erechtheis on the Acropolis
  503. Athena plants an olive tree on the Acropolis
  504. Athena and Poseidon compete to be the Patron deity of Attica
  505. Athena and Poseidon’s dispute over possession of Attica is adjudicated
  506. Athens is awarded to Athena, rather than Poseidon
  507. Poseidon floods Attica
  508. Ares kills Halirrhothius as Hallirrhothius attempts to rape Alcippe
  509. Accused by Poseidon, Ares is tried in the Areopagus before the twelve gods, and is acquitted
  510. Themis prophesies that Thetis’s son will be mightier than his father
  511. Eos abducts Cephalus
  512. Eos bears a son to Cephalus
  513. Sandocus leaves Syria
  514. Sandocus founds Celenderis
  515. Cinyras founds Paphos
  516. Orsedice, Laogore, and Braesia, induced by Aphrodite’s wrath to become prostitutes, have sex with foreigners
  517. Orsedice, Laogore, and Braesia die in Egypt
  518. Smyrna tricks Thias into having sex with her
  519. Thias tries to kill Smyrna
  520. Smyrna is transformed into a myrrh tree
  521. Smyrna, in the form of a tree, gives birth to Adonis
  522. Aphrodite gives Adonis to Persephone to care for
  523. Persephone refuses to give Adonis back to Aphrodite
  524. Zeus divides Adonis’s year by thirds
  525. Adonis chooses to live two-thirds of the year with Aphrodite
  526. Cranaus rules Attica
  527. Cranaus names Attica after his daughter Atthis
  528. Amphictyon expels Cranaus from Attica
  529. Athena goes to Hephaestus to ask for a new set of arms
  530. Hephaestus tries to rape Athena after she denies him
  531. Hephaestus’s ejaculate lands on Athena’s leg
  532. Erichthonius is born from Hephaestus’ ejaculate wiped from Athena’s leg
  533. Athena raises Erichtonius in secret
  534. Athena shuts Erichthonius in a chest
  535. Athena gives Pandrosus a chest in which Erichthonius is enclosed
  536. Pandrosus’ sisters open Athena’s chest
  537. Erichthonius expels Amphictyon from Attica
  538. Erichthonius rules Attica
  539. Erichthonius sets up the wooden image of Athena in the acropolis and starts the festival of Panathenaea
  540. Hephaestus falls in love with Athena after being refused by Aphrodite
  541. When Erichthonius dies and is buried in the same precinct of Athena, Pandion becomes king
  542. Demeter and Dionysus come to Attica
  543. Demeter is welcomed to Attica by Celeus at Eleusis
  544. Dionysus gives Icarius the gift of a vine branch
  545. Icarius is killed by the shepherds after giving them wine
  546. Erigone discovers her father’s burial by the help of his dog
  547. Pandion gets involved in a war against Labdacus
  548. Pandion wins the war against Labdacus with Tereus’ help
  549. Pandion gives Tereus his daughter Procne
  550. Tereus falls in love with Philomela
  551. Tereus seduces Philomela by saying that Procne is dead
  552. Tereus marries Philomela
  553. Tereus rapes Philomela and cuts out her tongue
  554. Philomela communicates with Procne by weaving the story into a cloth
  555. Procne kills Itys and serves his flesh to Tereus
  556. Tereus, realizing what happened, chases Procne and Philomela
  557. Procne and Philomela get caught in Daulia and pray to the gods to be turned into birds
  558. Procne becomes a nightingale, Philomela a swallow and Tereus a hoopoe
  559. When Pandion dies, Erechtheus inherits the kingdom
  560. When Pandion dies, Butes inherits the priesthood of Athena and Poseidon
  561. Boreas carries off Orithyia and has sex with her
  562. Procris has sex with Pteleon in return for a golden crown
  563. Cephalus catches Procris and Pteleon in bed
  564. Procris flees to Minos
  565. Minos falls in love with Procris and urges her to have sex with him
  566. Minos gets punished by Pasiphae with a spell for having sex with so many women
  567. Pasiphae’s spell causes Minos to ejaculate wild beasts whenever he attempts intercourse, killing his partners
  568. Procris gives Minos the Circaean root drink to protect herself from the effects of Pasiphae’s spell
  569. Procris has sex with Minos to get his fast dog and javelin
  570. Procris, fearing Minos’s wife, returns to Athens
  571. Procris accompanies Cephalus on a hunt
  572. Procris gets hit by Cephalus’s javelin while chasing a beast and dies
  573. Cephalus is tried for killing Procris and is condemned to perpetual exile
  574. Zetes and Calais die while chasing the Harpies
  575. Hercules kills Zetes and Calais
  576. Idaea lies and tells Phineus that her stepsons seduced her
  577. Phineus blinds his sons
  578. Chione has sex with Poseidon and gives birth to Eumolpus in secret from her father
  579. Chione throws Eumolpus into the sea to escape discovery
  580. Poseidon, recovering Eumolpus, takes him to Ethiopia
  581. Poseidon entrusts Eumolpus to Benthesicyme to bring up
  582. When Eumolpus grows up, Benthesicyme’s husband gives him one of their two daughters as a wife
  583. Eumolpus tries to rape his wife’s sister and is exiled
  584. Eumolpus goes to Tegyrius with his son
  585. Tegyrius offers his daughter to Eumolpus’s son
  586. Eumolpus plots against Tegyrius and is discovered
  587. Eumolpus flees to the Eleusinians and becomes friends with them
  588. Upon Ismarus’s death, Eumolpus goes back to Tegyrios
  589. Eumolpus resolves his conflicts with Tegyrius
  590. Eumolpus succeeds Tegyrius on the throne
  591. The Eleusinians ask Eumolpus’s help in war with the Athenians
  592. Eumolpus and his large force of Thracians ally with the Eleusinians and fight the Athenians
  593. Erechtheus consults the oracle about how the Athenians should achieve victory
  594. The god tells Erechtheus to slaughter one of his daughters for victory of the Athenians
  595. When Erechtheus slaughters his youngest daughter, his other daughters kill themselves in accordance with their oath
  596. Erechtheus kills Eumolpus in battle
  597. Poseidon destroys Erechtheus and his house
  598. Cecrops, the eldest son of Erechtheus, succeeds to the throne
  599. Pandion, reigning after Cecrops, is expelled by Metion’s sons
  600. Pandion goes to Pylas
  601. Pylas kills his uncle and gives the kingdom to Pandion
  602. Pylas goes to Pelopponnese and founds the city of Pylus
  603. After Pandion’s death, his sons march against Athens
  604. Pandion’s sons expel the Metionids from Athens
  605. Pandion’s sons divide the kingdom of Athens into four
  606. Aegeus takes over all the Athenian territory
  607. Aegeus, fearing his brothers, goes to Pythia to consult the oracle about having a male child
  608. Aegeus, puzzled by an oracle, sets out for Athens
  609. Aegeus visits Pittheus on his way to Athens
  610. Pittheus, understanding the oracle which puzzled Aegeus, makes Aegeus drunk and gets him to have sex with his daughter
  611. Poseidon and Aegeus have sex with Aethra on the same night
  612. Aegeus tells Aethra that if she gives birth to a male child, she should rear it
  613. Aegeus leaves a sword and sandals under a heavy rock
  614. Aegeus tells Aethra to send away the boy when he grows old enough to roll away the rock and take the sword and sandals
  615. Aegeus returns to Athens
  616. Androgeus wins the games at the Panathenian festival
  617. Aegeus sends Androgeus against the bull of Marathon, which kills him
  618. Androgeus is murdered by his competitors in the games in honor of Laius
  619. Minos learns about the death of Androgeus while sacrificing to the Charites
  620. Minos throws away the garland from his head and stops the music of the flute as he continues the sacrifice
  621. Aegeus attacks Athens with his fleet
  622. Aegeus captures Megara by defeating Nisus
  623. Aegeus kills Megareus
  624. Nisus has a purple lock of hair that protects him
  625. Scylla falls in love with Minos
  626. Scylla kills Nisus by pulling out his purple hair
  627. Besieging Megara, Minos drowns Scylla by tying her feet to the stern of the ship
  628. As the war continues, Minos prays to Zeus to capture Athens
  629. As plague and famine hit Athens, the Athenians, following an ancient oracle, slaughter the daughters of Hyacinth on the grave of Geraestus
  630. Hyacinth of Lacedaemon lives in Athens
  631. The Athenians ask the oracle for a solution to the plague and famine
  632. Zeus tells the Athenians to give Minos whatever he wants
  633. Minos demands a tribute of seven boys and girls from Athens to be sent annually to the Minotaur
  634. Minotaur lives in a labyrinth constructed by Daedalus
  635. Daedalus sees Talos sawing a thin stick with a snake’s jawbone
  636. Daedalus throws Talos down the acropolis fearing that he might surpass him
  637. Daedalus flees from Athens
  638. Daedalus is tried and condemned after Talos’s corpse is discovered
  639. Daedalus goes to Minos
  640. Aethra gives birth to Theseus
  641. Theseus pushes away the rock and takes up the sandals and the sword left by his father
  642. Theseus clears bandits off the road to Athens
  643. Theseus kills Periphetes the Clubman and takes his club
  644. Sinis the pinebender forces travelers to help him bend pine trees to the ground and then unexpectedly let go, catapulting the victim through the air
  645. Periphetes, lame in one leg, carries an iron club to hit the passers-by
  646. Theseus kills Sinis the Pine-bender in the way he killed the passers-by
  647. Apollo accidentally kills Hyacinth
  648. Proteus rules Egypt
  649. Dionysus hastens through Thrace against the Indians
  650. Lycus and Nycteus fled Euboea for killing Phlegyas
  651. Lycus and Nycteus move to Hyria
  652. Damasistratus rules Plataea
  653. Hermes trades his pipe to Apollo
  654. Zeus appoints Hermes herald of the gods
  655. Apollo rapes Coronis
  656. Coronis takes Ischys as her lover
  657. Apollo curses the raven
  658. Apollo kills Coronis
  659. Apollo takes the baby Aesculapius from Coronis’ pyre
  660. Apollo brings Aesculapius to Chiron to raise
  661. Chiron teaches Aesculapius medicine
  662. Athena gives Aesculapius Gorgon blood
  663. Aesculapius raises Capaneus from the dead
  664. Aesculapius raises Lycurgus from the dead
  665. Aesculapius raises Hippolytus from the dead
  666. Aesculapius raises Tyndareus from the dead
  667. Aesculapius raises Hymenaeus from the dead
  668. Aesculapius raises Glaucus from the dead
  669. Zeus kills Aesculapius with a thunderbolt
  670. Apollo kills the Cyclopes
  671. Leto intercedes with Zeus on Apollo’s behalf
  672. Hippocoon and sons expel Icarius and Tyndareus from Sparta
  673. Leda has sex with Zeus and Tyndareus on the same night
  674. Leda bears Pollux and Helen to Zeus and Castor and Clytaemnestra to Tyndareus
  675. Zeus rapes Nemesis
  676. Nemesis lays an egg
  677. A shepherd brings Nemesis’ egg to Leda
  678. Helen hatches from an egg
  679. Theseus brings Helen to Aphidnae
  680. Zeus hits Asopus with thunderbolts
  681. Asopus returns to his river-bed
  682. Zeus has sex with Aegina
  683. Aegina gives birth to Aeacus
  684. Zeus transforms ants into men
  685. Psamanthe turns into a seal to avoid having sex with Aeacus
  686. Psamanthe gives birth to Phocus
  687. Phoenix accompanies Achilles at Troy
  688. Amyntor blinds Phoenix
  689. Phthia accuses Phoenix of rape
  690. Chiron restores Phoenix’ vision
  691. Peleus makes Phoenix the king of the Dolopians
  692. Patroclus accompanies Achilles at Troy
  693. Patroclus kills Clitonymus
  694. Patroclus and his father take refuge in Peleus’ household
  695. Patroclus becomes Achilles’ friend
  696. Adonis is gored by a boar while hunting and dies
  697. The sisters of Pandrosus are destroyed by the serpent in Erichthonius’ chest
  698. The sisters of Pandrosus are driven mad by Athena and throw themselves from the Acropolis
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