Events mentioned in: Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Book 1

  1. Wedding of Gaia and Ouranus
  2. The birth of the Hundred-Handed
  3. The birth of the Cyclopes.
  4. Cyclopes are cast down into Tartarus
  5. The birth of the Titans
  6. Gaia persuades Cronus and the Titans to attack Ouranus
  7. All the Titans but Oceanus attack Ouranus
  8. The Eumenides are born from the blood of Ouranus’ genitals
  9. Cyclopes are cast down to Tartarus for the second time
  10. Cronus and Rhea are married
  11. Rhea gives birth to the Olympians
  12. Cronus swallows his children
  13. Zeus is born and hidden by Rhea
  14. Rhea tricks Cronus into swallowing a stone in the place of the newborn Zeus
  15. Olympians are vomited up by Cronus
  16. Zeus and the Olympians fight against Cronus and the Titans for control of the cosmos
  17. Zeus frees the Cyclopes from Tartarus
  18. Gaia prophesies victory for Zeus against the Titans
  19. The Cyclopes give Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades weapons
  20. The Olympians imprison the Titans
  21. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades assume control of the sky, the sea and the underworld respectively
  22. Birth of the Oceanids
  23. Asteria is born
  24. Leto is born
  25. Eos is born
  26. Helios is born
  27. Selene is born
  28. Astraeus is born
  29. Pallas is born
  30. Perses is born
  31. Atlas is born
  32. Prometheus is born
  33. Epimetheus is born
  34. Menoetius is born
  35. Chiron is born
  36. Hecate is born
  37. Nike is born
  38. Cratus is born
  39. Zelos is born
  40. Bia is born
  41. Menoetius hurled into Tartarus
  42. The Nereids are born
  43. Hebe is born
  44. Ilithyia is born
  45. Ares is born
  46. The Horae are born
  47. The Moirae are born
  48. Aphrodite is born
  49. The Charites are born
  50. Persephone is born
  51. The Muses are born
  52. Linus and Orpheus born
  53. Hercules kills Linus
  54. Eurydice dies
  55. Orpheus goes to Hades to get Eurydice
  56. Orpheus torn to bits by the Maenads
  57. Orpheus buried
  58. Hyacinth born
  59. Thamyris sees and falls in love with Hyacinth
  60. Thamyris loses his musical ability in a contest with the Muses
  61. Diomedes kills Rhesus
  62. Hephaestus thrown out of heaven by Zeus
  63. Hephaestus lands from his fall from Olympus and hurts his legs
  64. Zeus rapes Metis
  65. Metis is swallowed by Zeus
  66. Athena is born from Zeus’ forehead
  67. Asteria throws herself into the sea to avoid rape by Zeus
  68. Artemis and Apollo are born
  69. Apollo takes over the oracle at Delphi
  70. Tityus tries to rape Leto, is killed by her children
  71. Tityus punished in Hades
  72. Marsyas loses a musical contest against Apollo
  73. Artemis kills Orion
  74. Side is cast down into Hades
  75. Orion fights Oenopion for his daughter Merope
  76. Orion kidnaps a boy from the smithy of Hephaestus
  77. Poseidon prepares an underground house for Orion
  78. Eos abducts Orion
  79. Hades abducts Persephone
  80. Demeter looks for Persephone in Eleusis
  81. Demeter looks for Persephone in Hermion
  82. A woman makes Demeter laugh as she grieves for Persephone
  83. Persephone is tricked into eating pomegranate seeds from Hades
  84. Ascalaphus affirms that Persephone swallowed a seed while in Hades
  85. Demeter puts a heavy rock on top of Ascalaphus
  86. Giants born
  87. Alcyoneus drives away the cows of Helios
  88. Hercules kills Alcyoneus
  89. The war between the Olympians and the Giants begins
  90. Athena kills Enceladus
  91. Poseidon kills Polybotes during the gigantomachy
  92. Poseidon breaks off a bit of Nisyrum
  93. Typhon born
  94. Frightened of Typhon, gods flee to Egypt
  95. Zeus and Typhon fight
  96. Typhon carries off and immobilizes Zeus
  97. Zeus has his sinews restored to him
  98. Zeus recovers from having his tendons cut by Typhon
  99. Zeus attacks Typhon
  100. Typhon runs to Thrace
  101. Typhon uproots mountains
  102. Zeus throws mountains on Typhon
  103. Prometheus gives fire to humanity
  104. Prometheus is bound to a mountain
  105. Hercules frees Prometheus
  106. Deucalion rules over Phthia with Pyrrha
  107. On advice from Prometheus, Deucalion builds a chest.
  108. Deucalion and Pyrrha drift to Parnassus during the flood
  109. Hermes visits Deucalion and Pyrrha, humanity reborn
  110. Amphictyon rules Attica
  111. Xuthus gets the Peloponnese
  112. Aeolus gets Thessaly and surrounding regions
  113. Dorus gets the Dorian regions
  114. The Aloads make the sea into land and the land into sea
  115. Otus and Ephialtes put Ares in bonds
  116. Hermes rescues Ares
  117. Artemis kills the Aloads
  118. Endymion leads the Aeolians out of Thessaly
  119. Endymion founds Elis
  120. Selene falls in love with Endymion
  121. Aetolus flees to Curetian country
  122. Aetolus kills his hosts in Aetolia
  123. Idas gets a winged chariot from Poseidon
  124. Idas carries off Marpessa in a winged chariot
  125. Evenus drowns himself because he could not catch Idas and Marpessa
  126. Apollo fights Idas for Marpessa
  127. Oeneus reigns over Calydon
  128. Oeneus gets a vine-plant from Dionysus
  129. Oeneus kills his son Toxeus
  130. Hercules wrestles Achelous for Deianira
  131. The Moirae tell Althaea that Meleager will die when the log on her fire is completely burned
  132. Meleager and Dryas set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  133. Idas and Lynceus set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  134. Castor and Pollux set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  135. Theseus sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  136. Admetus sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  137. Ancaeus and Cepheus set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  138. Jason sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  139. Iphicles sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  140. Pirithous sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  141. Peleus and Eurytion set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  142. Telamon sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  143. Atalanta sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  144. Amphiaraus sets out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  145. The sons of Thestius set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
  146. Heroes gather in Calydon to fight the boar
  147. Althaea burns the log, killing Meleager
  148. Meleager dies in war
  149. Althaea and Cleopatra kill themselves in grief at Meleager’s death
  150. Olenus is sacked, Oeneus gets Periboea as a prize
  151. Periboea is seduced by Hippostratus
  152. Periboea sent by her father away from Olenus to Oeneus
  153. Tydeus banished for murder
  154. Tydeus arraigned for murder
  155. Tydeus flees to Argos
  156. Tydeus lives in Argos, marries Deipyle
  157. Diomedes born
  158. Tydeus and Adrastus march against Thebes
  159. Tydeus is killed by Melanippus
  160. The Sons of Agrius take control of Thebes for Agrius
  161. Diomedes and Alcmaeon in Argos
  162. Diomedes and Alcmaeon kill the sons of Agrius
  163. Onchestus and Thersites flee to the Peloponnese
  164. Diomedes gives the kingdom of Thebes to Andraemon
  165. Diomedes and Oeneus go to the Peleponnese
  166. Oeneus is killed by the remaining sons of Agrius
  167. Diomedes takes Oeneus’ body to Argos
  168. Diomedes buries Oeneus
  169. Diomedes goes to war against Thebes
  170. Diomedes goes to war against Troy
  171. Athamas rules Boeotia
  172. Phrixus and Helle born
  173. Learchus and Melicertes are born
  174. Ino plots against Helle and Phrixus, sets Phrixus up for sacrifice
  175. Nephele gets a ram with a golden fleece from Hermes
  176. Phrixus and Helle get the golden ram from Nephele
  177. Helle falls off the golden ram and drowns
  178. Phrixus rides the golden ram to to Colchis
  179. Phrixus marries Chalciope
  180. Phrixus and Chalciope have children
  181. Athamas kills Learchus with an arrow
  182. Ino kills herself and Melicertes
  183. Athamas banished from Boeotia
  184. Athamas settles in Athamantia
  185. Athamas marries Themisto, has children
  186. Sisyphus founds Corinth
  187. Bellerophon kills the Chimera
  188. Sisyphus punished in Hades
  189. Zeus carries off Aegina, observed by Sisyphus
  190. Sisyphus tells Asopus that Zeus has abducted Aegina
  191. Deion reigns over Phocis
  192. Eos abducts Deion
  193. Perieres takes over Messene
  194. Polydectes and Dictys colonize Seriphus
  195. Salmoneus lives in Thessaly
  196. Salmoneus founds Elis
  197. Zeus destroys Salmoneus and his city
  198. Tyro falls in love with the river Enipeus, has sex with Poseidon disguised as the river
  199. Poseidon disguised as the river Enipeus has sex with Tyro
  200. Tyro gives birth to Pelias and Neleus
  201. Tyro exposes Pelias and Neleus
  202. Pelias and Neleus raised by a horsekeeper
  203. Pelias and Neleus find their mother and their stepmother
  204. Pelias and Neleus kill Sidero
  205. Neleus is banished and goes to Messene
  206. Neleus founds Pylus
  207. Neleus marries Chloris and has children
  208. Hercules kills sons of Neleus
  209. Nestor is raised among the Gerenians
  210. Pelias marries and has children
  211. Cretheus founds Iolcus
  212. Cretheus marries and has children
  213. Amythaon marries and has children
  214. Melampus gets his ears cleaned by snakes, understands birds, and becomes a prophet
  215. Melampus meets with Apollo
  216. Neleus organizes a contest for the suitors of Pero
  217. Melampus and Bias confer about the contest to marry Pero
  218. Melampus tries to steal Phylacus’ cows
  219. Melampus is kept prisoner
  220. Melampus prophesies for Phylacus
  221. Iphiclus is able to have children thanks to Melampus’advice
  222. Melampus brings Pero to Bias
  223. Melampus lives in Messene
  224. Dionysus drives the women of Argos crazy
  225. Melampus cures the women of Argos
  226. Bias and Melampus live in Argos
  227. Promachus marches with the Epigoni against Thebes
  228. Euryalus goes to Troy
  229. Pheres founds Pherae
  230. Lycurgus and Admetus born
  231. Lycurgus marries and has a family
  232. Admetus rules Pherae
  233. Pelias offers his daughter Alcestis to whoever can yoke a lion and a boar together
  234. Apollo gives a lion and a boar to Admetus
  235. Admetus brings the boar and lion to Pelias, winning the contest to marry Alcestis
  236. Admetus and Alcestis neglect Artemis while offering sacrifices at their marriage
  237. Apollo negotiates with the Moirae on Admetus’ behalf
  238. Alcestis dies in Admetus’ place
  239. Hercules brings Alcestis back up from the Underworld
  240. Jason dwells in Iolcus
  241. Jason loses a shoe crossing the river
  242. Pelias makes a sacrifice to Poseidon by the sea, orders Jason to be present
  243. Pelias orders Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece
  244. Argus builds the Argo
  245. Crew of the Argo assembles
  246. The Argonauts go to Lemnos
  247. Aphrodite curses the Lemnian women with a bad smell
  248. Lemnian men kidnap and rape women from Thrace
  249. Lemnian women murder their husbands and fathers
  250. Hypsipyle saves her father from the mass murder of the Lemnian men
  251. The Argonauts have sex with the Lemnian women
  252. Hypsipyle gives birth to Jason’s children
  253. The Argonauts and Doliones accidentally slaughter each other
  254. The Argonauts go to Mysia
  255. Hylas is carried off by nymphs
  256. Hercules leaves the Argonauts to search for Hylas
  257. Polyphemus founds Cius
  258. Hercules goes back to Argos after leaving the Argonauts
  259. Hercules serves at the court of Omphale
  260. Hercules is left behind by the Argonauts at Aphetae
  261. Argonauts go to the Land of the Bebryces
  262. Argonauts encounter Phineus on Salmydessus
  263. The Argonauts punish Phineus
  264. Phineus is blinded by the gods for foretelling the future
  265. Phineus is blinded by Poseidon for helping the children of Phrixius
  266. The Harpies steal and befoul Phineus’ food as punishment from the gods
  267. Argonauts and the Sons of Boreas save Phineus from the Harpies
  268. Zetes and Calais chase the Harpies
  269. Zetes and Calais pursue the Harpies away from Phineus’ table
  270. Nicothoe, pursued by Zetes and Calais, falls into the Tigres and dies
  271. Ocypete flees the Sons of Boreas
  272. Ocypete falls from exhaustion
  273. Argonauts pass through the Clashing Rocks
  274. Idmon and Tiphys die
  275. The Argonauts sail past Thermodon
  276. The Argonauts sail past the Caucasus
  277. The Argonauts sail past the Ligurian nation
  278. The Argonauts sail past the Celtic nation
  279. The Argonauts sail past Thrinacia
  280. The Argonauts sail past Tyrrhenia
  281. The Argo speaks to the Argonauts as they pass the Apsyrtides Islands
  282. The Argonauts sail up the River Phasis
  283. Medea engineers Jason’s acquisition of the Golden Fleece
  284. Cadmus sows dragon’s teeth
  285. Aeetes pursues Medea and the Argonauts
  286. Medea kills Apsyrtus, throws pieces of his body overboard
  287. Aeetes buries Apsyrtus
  288. Zeus sends a storm against the Argonauts
  289. The Argonauts sail through the Sardinian Sea
  290. Argonauts are purified by Circe
  291. Argonauts sail past the Sirens
  292. Butes is lured off the Argonauts’ ship by the Sirens
  293. Butes is saved from the Sirens by Aphrodite
  294. Aphrodite settles Butes on Lilybaeum
  295. The Argonauts meet Scylla and Charybdis
  296. The Argonauts encounter the Wandering Rocks
  297. Argonauts meet the Phaeacians
  298. Some pursuing Colchians give up chasing the Argo and settle on the Apsyrtides Islands
  299. Some pursuing Colchians give up chasing the Argo and settle at the Ceraunian mountains
  300. Some pursuing Colchians catch up to the Argo and crew among the Phaeacians
  301. Jason and Medea marry
  302. The Argonauts are attacked by Apollo
  303. The Argonauts found an altar to Apollo and feast
  304. Talos throws stones at the Argonauts
  305. The Argonauts make a stop at Aegina
  306. The Argonauts arrive home
  307. Pelias forces Aeson to commit suicide
  308. Pelias kills Promachus
  309. Polymede kills herself
  310. Jason sails to the Isthmus with the chiefs
  311. Jason asks Medea to come up with a plan for revenge against Pelias
  312. Medea tricks Pelias’ daughters into cutting him up and boiling him
  313. Acastus expels Jason and Medea from Iolcus
  314. Jason and Medea have children
  315. Jason leaves Medea in order to get married to Glauce
  316. Medea kills Glauce
  317. Medea kills her children to revenge herself against Jason
  318. Medea flees from Corinth
  319. Medea deposits her children in the temple of Hera
  320. The Corinthians remove Medea’s children from a temple and kill them
  321. Medea marries and has a son with Aegeus
  322. Medea is expelled from Athens for plotting against Theseus
  323. Theseus conquers Media
  324. Perses deposes Aeetes
  325. Theseus dies
  326. Medea kills Perses to reinstate her father Aeetes as king
  327. Apis is killed
  328. Demeter comes to Eleusis in the likeness of a human woman
  329. Demeter comes in disguise to Celeus’ house
  330. Demeter is appointed Demophon’s nurse
  331. Praxithea sees Demeter put Demophon into the fire
  332. Demeter gives Triptolemus a winged chariot and wheat
  333. Apollo accidentally kills Hyacinth
  334. The Argonauts sail between Euboea and Locris
  335. Phorcus, Thaumas, Nereus, Eurybia and Ceto are born
  336. Iris is born
  337. The Harpies are born
  338. The Phorcides are born
  339. The Gorgons are born
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